Sunday February 16, 2025
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Neighborhood Place Sponsors A Gigantic Yard Sale, The Fifth Third Empowerment Bus And More In May

Photo: Neighborhood Place

Each Month Neighborhood Place partners come together to offer a wide variety of workshops, events and resources to benefit the entire family.  Highlights in May include a Giant Yard Sale in south Louisville; the Fifth Third Empowerment Bus at NorthWest Neighborhood Place; a community meeting focused on the ripple effects of heroin addiction; three employment recruitment opportunities and much more.  To learn more about these offerings and several others please refer to the list below.

May 1, Car Seat Safety Check at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 9 – 11 a.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave.  Celebrate Safe Kid’s Safety month by calling 629-7358 for a car seat fitting appointment with Norton’s Children’s Hospital.  Learn how to install your child’s car seat or booster seat and find out if it’s time for a change.

May 3, FedEx Ground Employment Opportunities at First Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd.  Call 313-4700 for more information.  A FedEx human resources recruiter will talk one-on-one with individuals interested in a career as a package handler with FedEx Ground.

May 3, Sodexo Hiring Opportunities at First Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd. (T.J. Middle School in the W.D. Bruce Building – door #24).  Call 313-4700 for more information. Sodexo, a food-service agency, will provide on-the-spot interviews for positions with Jewish Hospital, Our Lady of Peace and University of Louisville Hospital. Bring your resume and be prepared for an interview. This is one of Sodexo’s busiest hiring seasons. Stop by if you are looking for employment that can lead to a full-time or part-time position.

Mondays and Thursdays, YMCA’s “Caring and Learning with Me” program at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  Call Keyonna Humphrey at 974-8457 for more information and to register.  This free program provides a wonderful learning environment for children ages 3-5 years old and their caregivers focusing on play and exploration.  The adult caregiver is required to attend with the child/ren and you may also bring other children ages (0-2). Sponsored by the YMCA with support from First Neighborhood Place.

May 8, Foster Parent Recruitment Meeting at First Neighborhood Place, 6 – 8 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  Call 595-5437 (KIDS) for more information.  Detailed information will be provided on the requirements and process of how to become a foster or adoptive parent.  Information such as an explanation of foster care, special needs adoption, and information on foster parent training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the Special Needs Adoption Program.

May 8, Blood Pressure Checks at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 313-4635 for more information. Louisville Metro Health and Wellness health educators will provide free blood pressure checks.

May 8, 22 and 23, Passport Health Care Community Engagement
Representatives from Passport Health Care will be onsite to provide one-on-one consultations and discuss plan benefits and options.   This is a great opportunity as Passport aims to raise awareness and educate the community about the Passport Health Plan mission.

  • May 8 and 22 – NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 4018 W. Market St. at the Academy of Shawnee, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Call 313-4892 for more information.
  • May 8 and 23 – Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 2 – 4 p.m. Call 313-4635 for more information.

May 10, Kitchen Table Conversations:  Grandparents Support Group at NorthWest  Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 4018 West Market Street at the Academy at Shawnee.  Call Margaret Murphy at 313-4909 for more information.  This popular resource support group for relatives raising grandchildren meets the second Thursday of each month.  A monthly guest speaker help this group focus on the unique issues that caregivers may have raising younger children.  Aunts, uncles or anyone raising their grandchildren are welcome to attend.  Lunch is provided free of charge.  This Grandparent Support Group is sponsored by Dr. Helen Dienes.

May 11 and 12, South Jefferson Gigantic Yard Sale and Bake Sale at Bethany United Church of Christ, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Located at 10400 Old Preston Highway. Call 363-1483 for more information or to inquire about dropping of donations.  The Annual Yard Sale and Bake Sale proceeds benefit the South Jefferson Neighborhood Place’s Summer Back to School Event to help purchase supplies.  Items for sale will include collectibles, household items, small furnishings, baby items, clothing of all sizes, books, etc.  Delicious baked goods will also be available.  Donations for the yard sale can be dropped off at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place in Fairdale, 1000 Neighborhood Place, between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

May 12, Addiction 101 – The Ripple Effect of Heroin and Other Drugs at Dismas Charities, Inc. at St Ann’s Center
Located at 1515 Algonquin Pkwy.  The event will included presentations on how addiction ripples through a community from the individual to the entire country as well as resources on prevention, treatment, counseling, harm reduction, social services and family support.  Hosted by Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, Centerstone, the Office of Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods, and Dismas Charities

May 15, ElderCare 4 Families Employment Recruitment at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 244-8446 for more information. An employment recruiter will be on-hand for ElderCare 4 Families, a non-medical in homecare service for seniors provide help with cooking, cleaning, laundry and personal care.

May 16, Second Annual Faith-based Community Partnership Gathering at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 8:30 – 10 a.m.
Located at 4018 W. Market Street at the Academy at Shawnee.  For more information and to make a reservation, please call Katherine Easley, Recruitment Coordinator 595-3248 ext. 5708.   Come and enjoy the morning with community leadership that will highlight the mission and objectives of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services Foster Care and Adoption Division.  This breakfast presentation will focus on the need for African American homes for older children in our community and the opportunities the community has to impact the lives of children and their families.  This event is sponsored by the Kentucky State Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

May 17, The Fifth Third Financial Empowerment Mobile at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 4018 W. Market Street.   Meet one-on-one with banking professionals aboard a 40-foot retrofitted city bus equipped with computer workstations and internet connectivity.  A wide array of services are availability including the ability to request a credit report and review it with a professional; receive a personalized evaluation of finances; gain information about fraud awareness and prevention; receive internet banking and bill payment demonstrations; participate in home ownership seminars and foreclosure prevention session; and conduct online job searches and learn how to create an effective resume

May 2120th Anniversary Celebration at Neighborhood Place of the Greater Cane Run Area, 2– 4 p.m.
Located at 3410 Lees Lane.   All public members are invited to come celebrate Cane Run’s 20 years of service in the Shively/PRP area.  Past and present Cane Run staff and Council members are invited and encouraged to join the celebration to reconnect, reminisce, and  revel in the good work that has been done.  Cake and punch will be served.  In the event of inclement weather, the celebration will occur on May 22, rain or shine.

May 23 and 24, A Healthy Journey for Two Educational Baby Shower
A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers.  For more information, contact Mendy Mason at 341-5400.  The class will include a range of information and resources, as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks.  Hosted by Seven Counties and KIDSNow.  Fathers are welcome but must be registered.

  • May 23, Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave, 1 – 3 p.m.
  • May 24, at First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd. 1 – 3 p.m.

May 31, Foster Parent/Adoption Informational Meeting at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 6 – 8 p.m.
Located at 4018 West Market Street at the Academy at Shawnee.  Call 595-5437 (KIDS) for more information.  Detailed information will be provided on the requirements and process of how to become a foster or adoptive parent.  Information such as an explanation of foster care, special needs adoption, and information on foster parent training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the Special Needs Adoption Program.

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