Sunday February 16, 2025
News Sections

SWMS Enforcement Has Impounded 4th Vehicle Of The Year For Illegal Dumping

The Solid Waste Management Services Enforcement Department has impounded its 4th vehicle of 2018 for illegal dumping.

With the help of employees from Bulk Waste, last week a Uhaul truck in the 2500 block of W Jefferson was seen illegally dumping. The employee took pictures of the vehicle and waited until SWMS Enforcement was able to investigate.

“Once again, I commended the officers and Bulk Waste for helping us crack down on this crime,” says Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton (D-5). “Our streets and alleys are not a landfill, if you are going to remove trash and debris do it the right way or it will cost you.”

SWMS officers say once confronted, it was learned one of the individuals lived in the area and knew Bulk Waste would be in the area soon for bulky item collection. They were working at another property and hauled debris from that location and placed at a vacant property in the 2500 block of W Jefferson.

The responsible party will receive a $500 fine plus the cost of cleanup and pay approximately $500 in impound and storage fees.

Over the last several years, SWMS officers have been impounding vehicles involved in illegal dumping after the Metro Council approved a change in the Metro Code of Ordinances. The change also allows anyone who sees illegal dumping and can identify the vehicle or shoot pictures of it. Those pictures have lead officers to impound the vehicle. Eighteen vehicles were impounded in 2017.

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