Neighborhood Place partners offer valuable workshops and services each month like car seat safety checks, educational baby showers and a healthy living club. The month of November features two special events including the 25th anniversary celebration of First Neighborhood Place and the annual Magnificent Taste which assists needy families during the holidays. To learn more about these offerings and several others please refer to the list below.
Nov. 6, Car Seat Safety Check at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 9 – 11 a.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call Norton Children’s Hospital at 629-7358 to make an appointment. Learn how to install your child’s car seat or booster seat. Find out if it’s time for a change. Car seat-fitting by appointment only.
Nov. 6, Passport Members Informational at Ujima Neigborhood Place, 6 – 7 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 1-800-578-0603 ext 7301 to register. Passport Members will have the opportunity to get to know their plans better and learn about rewards for healthy behaviors and special health programs. Members will receive a $10 retail gift card for attending and refreshments will be provided.
Mondays through Thursdays, YMCA’s “Caring and Learning with Me” program at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Call Keyonna Humphrey at 974-8457 for more information and to register. This free program provides a wonderful learning environment for children ages 3-5 years old and their caregivers focusing on play and exploration. The adult caregiver is required to attend with the child/ren and you may also bring other children ages (0-2). Sponsored by the YMCA with support from First Neighborhood Place.
Nov 8, A Healthy Journey for Two Educational Baby Shower at First Neighborhood Place, 1 – 3 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Road. For more information, contact Mendy Mason at 502-341-5400. A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers. The class will include a range of information and resources, as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks. Hosted by Seven Counties and KIDSNow. Fathers are welcome but must be registered.
Nov. 9, Annual Magnificent Taste at the Edison Center, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Located at 701 W. Ormsby Ave. Enjoy a taste of fine food and an afternoon of intrigue and delight. Come and sample delicacies and themed booths prepared by staff members with Neighborhood Place and Louisville Metro Office of Resilience and Community Services. Cost is $7.00 and all monies raised will be used to sponsor needy families during the holidays to purchase clothing, coats, shoes, and/or a favorite toy(s) for children.
Nov 12, 14 15 and 19, Passport Health Care Community Engagement at multiple locations
Call 1-800-578-0603, ext. 8428 to sign up. Passport Members are invited to join with representatives from Passport Health Care for one-on-one consultations to discuss plan benefits and options. This is a great opportunity as Passport aims to raise awareness and educate the community about the Passport Health Plan mission. Passport members will receive a $10 retail gift card for attending.
Nov. 13 – Dec. 4, Healthy Living Club at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1 – 2 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place. Call 363-1483 for more information and to reserve your space. Classes are open to anyone interested in gaining more knowledge to live a better and more fulfilling life. Monthly meetings are on the second Tuesday of every month to discuss healthy living and to get the support you need to eat better, get active, and lose weight. This month will be a little FUN for the holidays. We will launch a four week series on Holiday crafts. Each week the group will focus on crafts for the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. From creative wreaths, to Fall décor come and join the fun and relax with the group. Reservations are required so supplies can be on hand and space is limited.
Nov. 16, 25th Anniversary Celebration of First Neighborhood Place, 3 – 6 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Road at (T.J. Middle School) celebration held in the W.D. Bruce Building Auditorium. Come and celebrate the beginning of Neighborhood Place with old friends and new, and share memories and thoughts for the future. Serving communities since 1993, the Neighborhood Place mission is stronger than ever in its effort “to provide blended and accessible health, education, employment and human services that support children and families in their progress toward self-sufficiency.”
Nov. 25, Free Blood Pressure Screenings at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 1 – 5 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 313-4635 for more information. Louisville Metro Health and Wellness health educators will provide free blood pressure screenings and health information.
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