Wednesday February 12, 2025
News Sections

ask%20a%20nurse%20slateToday, Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) launched a new online video series: “Ask a Nurse.”

Each month, nurse practitioners from JCPS Health Services will provide timely information on health-related topics as part of the video series and offer tips to keep students healthy. In the episode released today, nurse practitioners Mary Texas and Holly Walker discuss flu prevention and offer advice on how to minimize a student’s risk of contracting and spreading the virus. Topics such as food allergies, asthma, head lice and school health requirements will also be discussed in future segments of the Ask a Nurse series.

“We know that healthier students make better learners,” said JCPS Superintendent Dr. Donna Hargens. “The key goal of JCPS Health Services is to promote and support health and wellness across the district, and the Ask a Nurse series is just one more way our health services team can educate our students, families and the community about important health-related topics.”

“JCPS Health Services is excited to further connect with families, staff and the community about important health topics impacting our students,” said Anne Perryman, the district’s health coordinator. “We all play a critical role in promoting the health, wellness and learning for each child within Jefferson County Public Schools.”

The Ask a Nurse video series will be featured on the JCPS website homepage, the district’s Facebook and Twitter pages and the JCPS YouTube channel. Families are also encouraged to submit questions to Ask a Nurse each month by tweeting the JCPS Twitter page using the hashtag #JCPSNurse.

WATCH: Ask a Nurse
