Friday February 7, 2025
News Sections

Dennis Robinson, a counselor at the Youth Performing Arts School (YPAS), was named the 2017 Outstanding High School Counselor of the Year by the Kentucky School Counselor Association (KSCA).  The award was presented during the KSCA’s annual conference in Lexington.

Now in his ninth year as a secondary guidance counselor at YPAS, Robinson also serves as scholarship coordinator for YPAS and duPont Manual High School. During his tenure, students from the YPAS magnet program alone were offered more than $91.5 million in scholarships, and graduates of Manual’s five magnet programs have regularly received more than $60 million in scholarships annually.

In addition, he has 40 years of experience in music education, serving in multiple capacities at numerous schools during that time, including band director music department chairman at YPAS.

“I am greatly humbled and honored to have received this wonderful award and wish to offer my sincerest gratitude to the Kentucky School Counselor Association for this most meaningful recognition,” Robinson said.  “Words cannot describe how fun it is to work in a place where the school’s motto is “Artists of Tomorrow in Performance Today.”  For the past nine years, I have been in my own version of “La La Land,” and have enjoyed every second of the journey.”

“Dennis is a real champion for all students,” said Cyndi Young, sculpture and visual art teacher in Manual’s visual art magnet program. “His kindness and unassuming manner are amazingly effective tools that he puts into action in garnering support from faculty and parents in fighting for our students’ rights and well-being. We are a fortunate place to have such an invested counselling staff.”

A certified QPR suicide prevention gatekeeper counselor, Robinson has also been recognized by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts; was a 2015 participant in the Harvard Summer Institute for College Admissions; has received the Kentucky Parent Teacher Association Certificate of Honorary Life Recognition; and has been awarded the University of Chicago Certificate for Excellence in Teaching and Mentorship.

He received a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in music education from the University of Louisville School of Music in 1977 and 1980, respectively. He has since earned his Rank I in educational counseling and psychology from UofL.
