Sunday January 12, 2025
News Sections

Following a national search, the Council on Postsecondary Education unanimously selected Dr. Aaron Thompson as its fourth president.

Thompson, who presently serves as the Council’s executive vice president and chief academic officer, will transition to his new responsibilities Nov. 1.

He is the first Kentucky native and African-American to hold the position since the Council was formed 21 years ago.

“We have greatly benefited at the state level by Aaron’s strategic leadership and statesmanship over the past decade. Time and time again, we have relied on Aaron as an essential advocate and leader across many fronts, including the critical areas of college opportunity and student success,” said Council Chair Sherrill Zimmerman.

“We are confident that he will be the innovative, dynamic and transformational leader that will benefit Kentucky higher education and our students,” added Zimmerman.

“I am humbled by the honor of being named the fourth president of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. I love Kentucky, and it has been my life’s mission to add to the Commonwealth’s prosperity through education,” said Thompson.

Thompson is passionate about sharing how education was a catalyst for his own success.

“As a native of Clay County, a son of an illiterate coal miner and a mother with only an eighth grade education, I am not only a first-generation college graduate, I am a first- generation high school graduate. Now, I am immensely fortunate to have an opportunity to represent that great opportunity to all citizens of Kentucky,” he said.

“I want to thank the Council, staff and leadership for this show of confidence,” Thompson added.

Thompson came to the Council in 2009 from Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), where he held a variety of academic leadership positions and was a tenured professor in the department of educational leadership and policy studies. In May 2016, he left the Council for more than a year to serve as interim president for Kentucky State University.

As a nationally respected leader, he has served on more than 50 state and national boards and committees. He currently is board chair for the National Council on Community and Education Partnerships and serves on the Quality Assurance Commons for Higher and Postsecondary Education Advisory Board. He also serves on the corporate board for Baptist Health Care and is the chair of the Committee of Governance Effectiveness.

At the state level, Thompson serves on the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB), KWIB Employer Engagement Committee and KWIB Education Attainment and Completion Committee, the Charter Schools Advisory Committee, the Kentucky Humanities Council, the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board, and the Citizens Action Committee for the Destruction of Chemical Weapons, among others.

Thompson earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science and sociology from Eastern Kentucky University, a master’s degree in sociology and a doctorate in sociology, both from the University of Kentucky.

Thompson will fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Robert L. King, who served as president for nearly 10 years.

AGB Search conducted the national search.

Council will negotiate a final contract at its next meeting set Nov. 15-16.

For more information on the search process, and to view Dr. Thompson’s curriculum vitae, visit:

Photo: Neighborhood Place

Neighborhood Place partners offer a variety of health-focused events and services in September including a healthy cooking class, a Diabetes management class, an educational baby shower and an opportunity to learn Mindfulness techniques.  For more details about these offerings and several others please refer to the list below.

Sept 4, FedEx Ground Employment Opportunities at First Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd.  Call (502) 313-4700 for more information.  A FedEx human resources recruiter will talk one-on-one with individuals interested in a career as a Package Handler with FedEx Ground.

Sept. 4, Car Seat Safety Check at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 9 – 11 a.m. 
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave.  Call Norton Children’s Hospital at 629-7358 to make an appointment.  Learn how to install your child’s car seat or booster seat. It’s estimated that eight out of ten seats are not used correctly. Car seat-fitting by appointment only.

Tuesdays, Now through Oct. 2, Healthier Meals, Healthier Me Class at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place.  Registrations is required by calling 772-8588. Come and learn more about healthy eating, meal planning on a budget and more.  Persons can still attend without a reservation, but will not be able to earn a slow-cooker.

Sept. 6, Basic Diabetes Self-Management Class at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave.  Registration are required by calling 574-6663.  Whether you are recently diagnosed or have had diabetes for years and need a refresher, this session is for you.  Topics include what diabetes is and is not, glucose monitoring, problem solving, healthy eating, medication management, sick day management, healthy exercise, goal setting, and more.  Sponsored by Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness.

Sept. 6 and 10, Sodexo Hiring Opportunities at two locations
Sodexo, a food-service agency, will provide on-the-spot interviews for positions with Jewish Hospital, Our Lady of Peace and University of Louisville Hospital. Bring your resume and be prepared for an interview. This is one of Sodexo’s busiest hiring seasons. Stop by if you are looking for employment that can lead to a full-time or part-time position.

  • Sept. 6, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Road (T.J. Middle School in the W.D. Bruce Building – door #24), 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Call 313-4700 for more information
  • Sept. 10, South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Sept 6, A Healthy Journey for Two Educational Baby Shower at First Neighborhood Place, 1 – 3 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd. A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers.  Contact Mendy Mason at 341-5400 to register and for more information.  The class will include a range of information and resources, as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks.  Hosted by Seven Counties and KIDSNow.  Fathers are welcome but must be registered.

Mondays and Thursdays, YMCA’s “Caring and Learning with Me” program at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  Call Keyonna Humphrey at 974-8457 for more information and to register.  This free program provides a wonderful learning environment for children ages 3-5 years old and their caregivers focusing on play and exploration.  The adult caregiver is required to attend with the child/ren and you may also bring other children ages (0-2). Sponsored by the YMCA with support from First Neighborhood Place.

Sept 10, 12, 17, 20 and 28, Passport Health Care Community Engagement at multiple locations 
Passport Members are invited to join with representatives from Passport Health Care for one-on-one consultations to discuss plan benefits and options.   This is a great opportunity as Passport aims to raise awareness and educate the community about the Passport Health Plan mission.  Passport members will receive a $10 retail gift card for attending.

  • Sept, 10 and 17, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd (door #16) side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Call (502) 212-6677 for more information.
  • Sept. 12, Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.  Call 485-6710 for more information.
  • Sept. 20, South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1000 Neighborhood Place, 1 – 2 p.m.  Call 313-4635 for more information.
  • Sept. 28, South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 2 – 3 p.m.

Tuesdays, Sept. 11 – Oct., 2, Learn Mindfulness Workshop at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1 – 2 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place.  For more information or registration call Polly Mayer at 363-1483.
Four, one-hour classes that will help you gain insights and techniques to build your own meditation practice, discover your interior stillness, and learn positive coping skills rooted in kindness and compassion.  Classes are offered by the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center and the Mindfulness Mentors.

Sept. 11, Free Blood Pressure Screenings at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 485-6145 for more information. Louisville Metro Health and Wellness health educators will provide free blood pressure screenings and health information.

Sept. 11, Foster Parent Recruitment Meeting at First Neighborhood Place, 6 – 8 p.m. 
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  Call 595-5437 (KIDS) for more information.  Detailed information will be provided on the requirements and process of how to become a foster or adoptive parent.  Information such as an explanation of foster care, special needs adoption, and information on foster parent training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the Special Needs Adoption Program.


Pumpkin Spice Habitat

The bears, orangutans, elephants and many other animals at the Louisville Zoo will be celebrating the end of Halloween with a special pumpkin enrichment!

Saturday, November 4, marks the zoo’s annual Pumpkin Smash event.

The World’s Largest Halloween Party!” presented by Meijer wrapped up last weekend after nearly a month of fun and special events.  Now it is time for the hundreds of pumpkins that decorated the zoo’s grounds for the festivities will be given to the animals for Halloween enrichment.

Animal enrichment is an important part of animal husbandry at the Louisville Zoo and promotes the expression of natural behavior.

This is the perfect opportunity to visit the zoo and see how the animals react to their special seasonal treats.  Zoo hours are from 10 AM to 4 PM, visitors arriving by 4 can stay until 5 PM.

(animals participating and times are subject to change)

10:15 a.m. Orangutans (Islands Dayroom)

10:30 a.m. Sumatran Tiger outdoor (Islands outdoor habitat)

11:15 a.m. Bears (Glacier Run)

11:45 a.m. Gorillas (Gorilla Forest)

12:15 p.m. Amur Tigers (after training)

1:15 p.m. Elephants

Registration is now open for Camp Ready4K, the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District’s kindergarten readiness camps serving incoming kindergarten students the summer before they start school.

At 10 locations across Louisville beginning July 5, incoming kindergarten students will receive instruction from early childhood instructors and teachers for six hours each weekday for four weeks. During the free camps, students are also provided with breakfast, lunch and bus transportation.

“Camp Ready4K focuses on the fundamental goal of preparing students for kindergarten,” said JCPS Director of Early Childhood Programs Rina Gratz. “We know that early childhood programs and kindergarten readiness camps have a direct, positive impact on our students, and that’s why it’s so important to get as many of our children as we can participating in early learning programs—especially during the summer months.”

According to state data, the percentage of JCPS students who were ready to start kindergarten jumped nearly 4 points last year. Additionally, for students who attended at least one day of kindergarten readiness camp, 73.8 percent were ready to start school.

Camp Ready4K will be held July 5 through July 28, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., and applications must be completed by May 12 to be considered. Families can complete an application in person at the following locations:

2017 Camp Ready4K Registration Sites

  • Dawnson Orman Early Childhood – 900 S. Floyd St.
  • Duvalle Education Center – 3610 Bohne Ave.
  • Jaeger Education Center – 502 Wood Rd.
  • McFerran Early Childhood Center – 1900 S. 7th St.
  • Unseld Early Childhood Center – 5216 Ilex Ave.

For more information, families may call the Dawson Orman Education Center at 485-7121.

Neighborhood Place sites bring together multiple partners in May offering opportunities to improve your livelihood and health including a job fair at Portland Community Center, a college match information session, as well as a diabetes awareness and self-management class.  A gigantic yard sale and bake sale is also being held at Bethany United Church of Christ on May 12 and 13.  To learn more about these services, including reservations requirements and contact info, please refer to the phone numbers listed by each event.

May 1 and 18, Kentucky Nutrition Education Program at First Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd.  A representative from the Kentucky Nutrition Education Program will be on hand to provide ways to make healthy food choices, encourage more fruits and vegetables, choosing low fat and high fiber foods, increasing physical activity, avoid running out of food, and how to prepare and store food safely.

  • May 1, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
  • May 18 First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

May 2, Car Seat Fitting at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 9 – 11 a.m. (by appointment only)
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave.  Call 629-7358 to schedule an appointment. Kosair Children’s Hospital will provide a car seat check fitting station to teach how to properly install your child’s car seat or booster seat or to find out if it’s time for a change.  

May 2, 9, and 16, Louisville Urban League Parent Leadership Academy at South Central Neighborhood Place, 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 313-4089 for more information. We invite all Jefferson County parents to our free 6 week parent leadership program! Get answers to your questions, learn what to ask during school meetings, gain a supportive community of parents, build your advocacy skills for your child and connect to community resources. Lunch is provided! To reserve your spot, call 313-4089.

May 2, 9, 16, and 23, Living Well Class at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1 – 3 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place.  Call 772-8588 to register.  This class is designed to benefit individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, pain, asthma, arthritis, depression, or other ongoing health problems.  Learn better ways to manage your health and earn an 8-week YMCA membership.

Tuesdays, Couponing Support Group at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 485-6145 to register or for more information. Learn tips and money saving ideas to help build extra financial wealth in using coupons while grocery shopping.

May 2, 8, 10, 16, 17 and 24, WeCare Energy Efficiency Overview
Call 1-800-356-5467 for more information.  Representatives from the WeCare Program at LG&E will be on hand to talk with interested persons about energy efficiency, energy usage and tips to reduce utility bills.  WeCare staff can also help determine if households are eligible for a variety of free services including air duct sealing and insulation, attic and wall insulation, programmable thermostats and much more.

  • May 2, South Jefferson Neighborhood Place – Valley, 10200 Dixie Hwy., 10 a.m.- 12 p.m.
  • May 8 and 17 , Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • May 10 and 24, South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • May 16, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd. (T. J. Middle School in the W.D. Bruce Building – door #24), 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

May 3 and May 17, Legal Aid Office Hours at South Central Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. -12 p.m.
Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 485-7130 for more information. A Legal Aid Society staff member will be on hand to answer questions, talk about cases that Legal Aid handles and provide referrals.

May 4, 11, 18 and 25, Becoming Weight Wise at South Central Neighborhood Place, 12 – 1 p.m.
Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 313-4089 for more information. It’s not easy to manage body weight. This 10 week course of self-discovery, skill building and support can help you learn about weight control. This program is based on approaches that are promising ways to achieve better health.

May 4,  11, and 23,  Work and Learn Program for K-TAP Recipients Info Session
Call 502-213-2149 for more information. Individuals who are receiving K-TAP who are interested in completing their GED or upgrading their skills in preparation for college enrollment are invited to stop by and talk with case managers from the Work and Learn program.  Find out how to earn an hourly wage at an approved job site and upon completion of your GED, receive a cash bonus!

  • May 4, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • May 11, Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • May 23, NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 4018 W. Market St., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

May 8, Sodexo Hiring Opportunities at South Central Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 574-4516 for more information.  Sodexo, a food-service agency, will provide on-the-spot interviews for positions with Jewish Hospital, Our Lady of Peace and University of Louisville Hospital. Bring your resume and be prepared for an interview.  This is one of Sodexo’s busiest hiring seasons.  Stop by if you are looking for employment that can lead to a full-time or part-time position. 

May 9, 16 and 23, Diabetes Self-Management Class Series at the Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, 1 – 3:30 p.m.
Located at 1411 Algonquin Parkway.  Call 574-6663 to register or for more information.  Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, but are not sure how to manage your condition?  Whether you are recently diagnosed or have been diabetic for years and need a refresher, this class is for you!  Topics covered will include what is diabetes, glucose monitoring, problem solving, healthy eating, medication management, sick day management, healthy exercise, and goal setting.   Sponsored by the Department of Public Health and Wellness.

May 9, Foster Parent Recruitment Meeting at First Neighborhood Place, 6 – 8 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  Call 595-5437 (KIDS) for more information.  Detailed information will be provided on the requirements and process of how to become a foster or adoptive parent.  Information such as an explanation of foster care, special needs adoption, and information on foster parent training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the training classes will be provided.  Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the Special Needs Adoption Program.         

May 9, Free Blood Pressure Checks at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 485-6145 for more information. Louisville Metro Health and Wellness health educators will provide free blood pressure checks.

May 10, Job Fair at Molly Leonard Portland Community Center, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Power of Work and NorthWest Neighborhood Place are partnering to host a diverse employer selection in efforts to assist families in their journey to self-sufficiency.  Companies include Centerstone, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Humana, Jefferson County Public Schools, Salvation Army, Gordon Food Service, FedEx, Teleperformance USA and more.   Business attire is required (no jeans, hats, sportswear or costumes) with resume in hand.  Please do not bring children.  

May 12 and 13, South Jefferson Gigantic Yard Sale and Bake Sale at Bethany United Church of Christ, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Located at 10400 Old Preston Highway. Call 363-1483 for more information or to inquire about dropping of donations.  The Annual Yard Sale and Bake Sale proceeds benefit the South Jefferson Neighborhood Place’s Summer Back to School Event to help purchase supplies.  Items for sale will include collectibles, household items, small furnishings, baby items, clothing of all sizes, books, etc.  Delicious baked goods will also be available!  Donations for the yard sale can be dropped off at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place in Fairdale, 1000 Neighborhood Place, between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 

May 15 and 25, Library Connection
A representative from the Louisville Free Public Library will be on hand to sign interested persons up for library cards, answers questions about resources at the library, and provide information on upcoming events at your local library office.

  • May 15, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Call 313-4700 for more information
  • May 25, South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1000 Neighborhood Place, Fairdale, KY, 12 – 2 p.m. Call 363-1483 for more information.

May 15, Diabetes Awareness and Basic Nutrition at First Neighborhood Pace, 1 –  3 p.m.
In order to raise awareness of diabetes and those recently diagnosed, those at risk or have been diabetic for years and need a refresher session on how to manage your condition. Sponsored by Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness.

May 16, Best College Match Free Informational Workshop at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave.  Call 313-4635 register. Greg and Opal Dawson, authors of Best College Match: 5 Steps that Earned $1,000,000 in Scholarships, will discuss their 5 Steps to finding the ‘Best College Match’ for your child. Raffles for   “Best College Match” autographed book or 1- Hour “Best College Match” one on one consultation.

May 16, Norton Mobile Unit at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place, Fairdale, KY. Call 502-899-6842 for more information or to make an appointment. The Norton Mobile Unit will offer low/no-cost mammograms and pap smears for women age 40 and over. Must be at least one complete year since the last mammogram, be able to stand unassisted for at least 15 minutes, not have any current issues or undergoing cancer treatment. Insurance will be billed and co-pay may apply- contact your insurance carrier for eligibility. Funding is available for those who are uninsured.  Sponsored by Norton Health Care and Family Health Clinic.
May 22 and 24, Free Dental Screenings by Community Dental Care
Call 502-366-4442 for more information.  Community Dental Care is a full-service dental organization designed to increase access to health care in communities with the goal of improving the overall health of the population.  Representatives will be on site to provide free dental screenings for children and adults and schedule appointments as necessary.  Kindergarten and pre-K children who receive screenings will be provided with a certificate that will meet the school district’s requirement for dental screenings. 
  • May 22, South Jefferson Neighborhood Place – Fairdale site, 1000 Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
  • May 22, South Jefferson Neighborhood Place – Valley site, 10200 Dixie Highway, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
  • May 24, South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
May 23, A Healthy Journey for Two, 1 - 3 p.m. 
Located at 3410 Lees Ln, next to Farnsley Middle School. RSVP is required to Mendy Mason at 502-341-5400 or  A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers.  The class will include a range of information and resources as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks. 


University of Louisville and Kentucky State University announce BA/BS-MS offering for KSU students

UofL, KSU leaders formalize collaborative

Employment growth in careers related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), underscores the importance of a new degree collaboration between Kentucky State University and the University of Louisville. The initiative allows KSU undergraduates majoring in math to study seven semesters (3.5 years) at KSU, and three semesters (1.5 years) at UofL, earning a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science (BA/BS) in math at KSU and a master of science (MS) in biostatistics from UofL. Students benefit by completing six years of study in five years.

“We continue to see a growing demand for a more highly educated workforce throughout the Commonwealth,” said UofL’s Interim President Greg Postel, M.D. “This collaborative effort will expose underrepresented groups to graduate education in a degree that will lead to high-demand, high-paying jobs and help Kentucky continue to move forward in an ever more competitive economy.”

“We are pleased to partner with a great institution like the University of Louisville, and I thank the KSU and UofL faculty for their innovative and creative thinking; our aim is to build a strong P-20 pipeline to serve Kentucky and this initiative helps meet that goal,” said KSU Interim President Aaron Thompson, Ph.D.

Interested students are identified in the early stages of their study at KSU and are mentored for the graduate program. They must take the GRE and apply for admission to UofL. Upon admission, students study the spring semester of their senior year at UofL and take courses that count toward a bachelor’s degree in math at KSU and the master’s degree in biostatistics at UofL. The balance of the master level courses are completed in the fifth year toward the MS degree in biostatistics.

Kentucky State Senator Gerald A. Neal, 33rd District, is an alumnus of both KSU and UofL and says the initiative is a significant inter-institutional collaboration.   Continue reading

Meghann Clem Mattingly, a health and wellness teacher at Cane Run Elementary School, has been awarded the Excellence in Classroom and Educational Leadership (ExCEL) Award. Representatives from Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) and from the award sponsors — LG&E KU and WHAS11 — honored the teacher last week during a ceremony at the school.

“Visiting Ms. Clem Mattingly’s classroom is a relaxing and rewarding experience,” said Cane Run Principal Kimberly Coslow. “Her creative teaching techniques enhance classroom learning, and she fosters academic success through mindful movement, self-regulation and focused attention, all through the lens of compassion.”

A leader with the Compassionate Schools Project (CSP) Professional Learning Community, she frequently collaborates with the University of Virginia’s CSP project director as well as the District’s CSP resource teacher and the school’s physical education teachers to ensure the unique CSP curriculum is implemented with fidelity. She has been featured in numerous national media outlets advocating for the project, including National Public Radio and the Christian Science Monitor.

“Meghann is a force to be dealt with,” said Heather Watson, a counselor with JCPS. “She exudes positive energy and calmness throughout the building. She is the compassionate vision of what we need to have in place for our students to thrive in life.”

In addition, she is a strong advocate for the school, serving as a member of the Site Based Decision Making Council, the Instructional Leadership Team and the Interview Committee, and regularly meeting with guests and community leaders about the CSP and its impact on her students. She is also the school lead for the American Heart Association fundraising initiative.

As an ExCEL Award winner, Clem Mattingly will receive a $1,000 instructional grant from LG&E KU.
