Neighborhood Place sites bring together multiple partners in February to provide opportunities including energy management workshops, a 16-week Diabetes Prevention Program, free dental screenings, an African American Read-In and much more. In addition, the Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place location is collecting new and gently used prom dresses and accessories to benefit high school seniors in the Park Hill neighborhood. To learn more about these services, including reservations requirements and contact info, please refer to the phone numbers listed by each event.
Feb. 1 – March 4, The Parkhill Prom Project at Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place
Located at 1411 Algonquin Pkwy. Call 634-6050 for more information. Jordan Alhimer a Bachelor of Social Work student/intern along with support from ECHO (Exploited Children’s Help Organization) are collecting new and gently used prom dresses, shoes and accessories to help deserving high school senior girls who live in the Parkhill Neighborhood. Drop off donations any weekday between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Feb. 1 and 15, Legal Aid Office Hours at South Central Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. -12 p.m.
Located at 4255 Hazelwood Ave. Call 485-7130 for more information. A Legal Aid Society staff member will be on hand to answer questions, talk about cases that Legal Aid handles and provide referrals.
Feb. 2, 7, 9, 21 and 23, WeCare Energy Efficiency Overview
Call 1-800-356-5467 for more information. Representatives from the WeCare Program at LG&E will be on hand to talk with interested persons about energy efficiency, energy usage and tips to reduce utility bills. WeCare staff can also help determine if households are eligible for a variety of free services including air duct sealing and insulation, attic and wall insulation, programmable thermostats and much more.
Two opportunities for the YMCA’s “Caring and Learning with Me” program at Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Located at 1501 Rangeland Rd. Call Kerry Basham at 974-8457 for more information and to register. This free program provides a wonderful learning environment for children ages 3-5 years old and their caregivers focusing on play and exploration. The adult caregiver is required to attend with the child/ren and you may also bring other children ages (0-2). Sponsored by the YMCA with support from First Neighborhood Place.
Feb. 7, Couponing Support Group at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. For more information or to register, call 485-6145. Learn tips and money saving ideas to help build extra financial wealth in using coupons while grocery shopping. Facilitated by coupon guru, Kim Mapp.
Feb. 8, Norton Healthcare Car Seat Check and Fitting Station at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 9 – 11 a.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 629-7358 for an appointment. Learn how to install your child’s car seat or booster seat and find out if it’s time for a change.
Feb. 8 and 9, A Healthy Journey for Two Educational Baby Shower
Call 341-5400 for more information and to register. A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers. The class will include a range of information and resources, as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks. Hosted by Centerstone and KIDSNow. Fathers are welcome but must be registered.
Feb. 9, African American Read-In at Southwick Community Center, 6:30 p.m.
Located at 3600 Southern Ave. Call 485-6145 for more information. Celebrate black authors through spoken word, dance and music with a book signing by published authors. Sponsored in part by Ujima Neighborhood Place.
Feb. 9, 21 and 23, Energy Management Workshops
Project Warm’s free workshops help families take control of their energy usage and learn “do-it-yourself” energy-saving tips. Free supplies will be distributed at the end of the workshop such as clear plastic/tape for windows, caulk to seal openings around windows and sealing foam. Sponsored by Project Warm, South Jefferson Neighborhood Place and First Neighborhood Place.
Feb. 13 and Feb. 16, Fifth Third Bank Financial Empowerment Bus
Call 502/562-5584 for more information. The Fifth Third Financial Empowerment Bus, or eBus, provides a mobile classroom that allows visitors to have credit reports pulled for free and reviewed with a professional; use computers to file taxes; receive internet banking and bill payment demonstrations, utilize the Next Jobs online program; and many other services.
Feb. 14, Foster Parent Recruitment Meeting at First Neighborhood Place, 6 – 8 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd., side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Call 595-5437 (KIDS) for more information. Detailed information will be provided on the requirements and process of how to become a foster or adoptive parent. Information such as an explanation of foster care, special needs adoption, and information on foster parent training classes will be provided. Sponsored by Kentucky Foster Care and the Special Needs Adoption Program.
Feb. 14, Norton Mobile Unit at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place, Fairdale, KY. Call 502-899-6842 for more information or to make an appointment. The Norton Mobile Unit will offer low/no-cost mammograms and pap smears for women age 40 and over. Must be at least one complete year since the last mammogram, be able to stand unassisted for at least 15 minutes, not have any current issues or undergoing cancer treatment. Insurance will be billed and co-pay may apply- contact your insurance carrier for eligibility. Funding is available for those who are uninsured. Sponsored by Norton Health Care and Family Health Clinic.
Feb. 20 and 21, Free Dental Screenings by Community Dental Care
Call 502-366-4442 for more information. Community Dental Care is a full-service dental organization designed to increase access to health care in communities with the goal of improving the overall health of the population. Representatives will be on site to provide free dental screenings for children and adults and schedule appointments as necessary. Kindergarten and pre-K children who receive screenings will be provided with a certificate that will meet the school district’s requirement for dental screenings.
Feb 21 and Feb 23, Diabetes Self-Management Series at the Charmoli Center Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Located at 200 Juneau Drive, St. 200. Call 574-6663 or 574-6638 for more information. Taught by the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, the Diabetes Self-Management series will be a two-part series. Whether you are recently diagnosed or have been diabetic for years and need a refresher, this class is for you. Topics covered will include: what is diabetes, glucose monitoring, problem solving, healthy eating, medication management, sick day management, healthy exercise and goal setting.
Feb. 27 – April 17, 4 Your Child – Dads Making the Difference at Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place
Located at 1411 Algonquin Pkwy. For more information and to register, contact Dr. Cheri Langley at (502) 709-9323 or at “4 Your Child” is an eight-week fatherhood program that aims to improve the quantity and quality of fathers’ involvement by integrating responsible parenting, economic stability, and relationship education services. Participants may be compensated for their time up to $220 but registration is required.
Starting Feb. 28, Diabetes Prevention Program at the Charmoli Center Neighborhood Place, 3- 4 p.m.
Located at 200 Juneau Drive, St. 200. Call 574-6663 or 266-5571 to register. This 16-week program is designed for individuals who are risk of Diabetes offering support to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle habits. This class will help you lose weight, learn healthier eating habits and increase physical activity. The program is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Sponsored by Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness.
Upcoming Events in March
March 1, Heroin Addiction in “Our Own Backyard”, Part 2 at First Baptist Church, Fairdale, 6 – 8 p.m. Located at 413 Fairdale Rd., Fairdale, KY. Call 363-1483 for more information. This is part two in the “Not in Our Backyard” series of workshops with a focus on Community Resources. Representatives from more than fifteen community agencies will be on hand to speak to individuals one-on-one about services they offer to persons struggling with addiction as well their family and friends. The workshop is an opportunity to gain education about the physical, psychological and addictive effects of the drug. Sponsored in part by South Jefferson Neighborhood Place.
March 4, Home Buyers’ Fair at Bethlehem Baptist Church, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Located at 5708 Preston Highway. Call 363-1483 for more information. If you own a home or are interested in purchasing a home, this is the fair to attend. Businesses will be on hand to provide information and guidance for families and individuals that are first time home buyers, current home owners wanting to relocate or refinance, or home owners facing possible foreclosure. Attendees will be able to speak to banking personal face to face, attend workshops that cover the necessary steps in purchasing a home, learn about funds that are available to help with closing costs, etc. Stop by and find out if you qualify for a reduced home loan. Sponsored by Republic Bank, Louisville Free Public Library as well as South Jefferson, First and Cane Run Neighborhood Places.