Saturday February 8, 2025
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The First Lady’s Office, along with Kentucky Youth Advocates, Kosair Charities and Casey Family Programs, last week hosted the third meeting of the First Lady’s Youth Leadership Council in Frankfort. Members met to discuss and brainstorm solutions to today’s issues that affect them. The fourteen-member council consists of young people representing different backgrounds throughout the state.

“These council members serve as a voice for the voiceless, and it has been an honor to see what each of them have accomplished over the past year,” said Mrs. Bevin.

The Council kicked off their retreat by attending the Governor’s State of the Commonwealth Address at the Capitol on Wednesday.

On Thursday, the group was invited to have breakfast with Gov. Bevin and several legislators. The Council also attended a rally for child advocacy and a luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion where representatives of the Governor’s Cabinet, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet and various legislators were in attendance. During this working luncheon, council members shared their personal testimonies and were presented with citations of achievement by Rep. Addia Wuchner, Chair of the House Committee on Health and Family Services.

“I’ve never been in any event such as I was yesterday,” said Natalia Hatchell, a council member from Youth Build Louisville. “I feel important to be a part of such a great movement and to be able to be a voice of the youth.”

Lt. Gov. Hampton concluded the luncheon by encouraging members to continue their work on behalf of Kentucky’s young people.

“Your stories are powerful and need to be shared not only with other kids in Kentucky, but also with adults,” Lt. Gov. Hampton said. “The next generation of leaders are in this room today and I’m excited to see what you accomplish.”

These events were made possible by the partnering of Kentucky Youth Advocates and Kosair Charities, along with funding provided by a grant from Casey Family Programs.

The Council will reconvene in May 2017.
