The Louisville Metro Council Budget Committee is announcing the following schedule for hearings on the increase in pension contributions required by the Kentucky Retirement Systems, possible reductions in Metro services and a proposed increase in the insurance premium tax.
“We are providing opportunities for Council members and the public to learn more about our situation, get their questions answered, and let us know what they think.” said Budget Committee Chair Bill Hollander.
The schedule is as follows:
Monday February 25 – Special Budget Committee meeting at 4:30 p.m. Louisville Metro’s Chief Financial Officer Daniel Frockt will be making a presentation. The committee will also hear from two representatives of the Kentucky Association of Counties – Shellie Hampton, Director of Governmental Relations and Rich Ornstein, Staff Attorney, and from J.D. Chaney, Deputy Executive Director of the Kentucky League of Cities.
Thursday, February 28 – Regular Budget Committee meeting at 4:30 p.m. Public Hearing beginning at 6:00 p.m., at the conclusion of the regular committee meeting.
Monday, March 4 – Public Hearing beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 14 – Regular Budget Committee meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Signups for those wishing to address the Budget Committee on February 28 and March 4 begin one hour prior to the start of the hearing on the third floor of City Hall.
Speakers are called in order of signup and have up to three minutes to make comments. Written testimony can be turned in during the meeting and, occasionally, speakers are asked questions by the Committee members.
Speakers may use the Sixth Street entrance to Historic City Hall. Individuals needing assistance may enter City Hall from the Jefferson Street entrance.
All meetings are carried live on Metro TV, Spectrum Cable Channel 184 or on UVERSE at Channel 99. All meetings of the Metro Council are streamed live. Go to the Metro Council home page at and click on the Metro Council Agendas link.
The committee has also created an online form for questions about these issues. Answers will be coordinated by the Louisville Metro Office of Management and Budget. Questions may be submitted online using this form:… All questions should be submitted by March 6 to allow for responses to be posted online by March 14.
To access the new page with general information, and questions and answers, on the pension contributions, possible reductions in Metro services and the proposed insurance premium tax, the public may visit….
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