Six members of the Louisville Metro Council invite in Louisville to get connected with metro government on Saturday, February 15th during a special community engagement event at the New Republic Bank Foundation YMCA.
They want residents, business owners, children and parents to have the opportunity to experience and learn about the newest edition in West Louisville. At the same time, it’s a way to bring government to the people.
“This new YMCA offers families, and individuals to connect with resources and programs to improve their health all of us grow together, “says Councilwoman Sexton Smith (D4). “With this facility as a background, We, on the Metro Council, hope neighbors will realize Metro Government wants to be part of the effort to grow and make our community stronger. We are here to listen and help.”
“This is a way to introduce this new facility to those in West Louisville who seek to improve their health and wellbeing,” says Councilwoman Keisha Dorsey (D-3). “On Saturday, anyone with a question or concern about any issue can come and talk with Metro Government or a Metro Council member and together we can see what we can do to help.”
Council members Sexton Smith and Dorsey are joined by Jessica Green (D-1), Barbara Shanklin (D-2) Donna Purvis (D-5) and President David James (D-6) in hosting this event.
“It is important for the people of West Louisville to understand we are here to address their problems and concerns,” says President James. “This new YMCA is one way to show long overdue attention is being paid to this area of the city. We want the people who live and work here to come forward and tell us what they need to improve their neighborhoods as we move ahead.”
The new YMCA opened this year at the corner of 17th and West Broadway. The Community Engagement Event will start at 11:00 a.m. and runs through 1:00 p.m. representatives from the following Metro Government agencies will be there to answer your questions:
For more information about the Community Engagement event at the Republic Bank Foundation YMCA, contact Councilwoman Sexton Smith’s office at 574-1104.
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