Friday February 7, 2025
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Six members of the Louisville Metro Council invite in Louisville to get connected with metro government on Saturday, February 15th during a special community engagement event at the New Republic Bank Foundation YMCA.

They want residents, business owners, children and parents to have the opportunity to experience and learn about the newest edition in West Louisville. At the same time, it’s a way to bring government to the people.

“This new YMCA offers families, and individuals to connect with resources and programs to improve their health all of us grow together, “says Councilwoman Sexton Smith (D4). “With this facility as a background, We, on the Metro Council, hope neighbors will realize Metro Government wants to be part of the effort to grow and make our community stronger. We are here to listen and help.”

“This is a way to introduce this new facility to those in West Louisville who seek to improve their health and wellbeing,” says Councilwoman Keisha Dorsey (D-3). “On Saturday, anyone with a question or concern about any issue can come and talk with Metro Government or a Metro Council member and together we can see what we can do to help.”

Council members Sexton Smith and Dorsey are joined by Jessica Green (D-1), Barbara Shanklin (D-2) Donna Purvis (D-5) and President David James (D-6) in hosting this event.

“It is important for the people of West Louisville to understand we are here to address their problems and concerns,” says President James. “This new YMCA is one way to show long overdue attention is being paid to this area of the city. We want the people who live and work here to come forward and tell us what they need to improve their neighborhoods as we move ahead.”

The new YMCA opened this year at the corner of 17th and West Broadway. The Community Engagement Event will start at 11:00 a.m. and runs through 1:00 p.m. representatives from the following Metro Government agencies will be there to answer your questions:

  • Public Works
  • Codes and Regulations
  • EMS
  • Louisville Metro Police
  • Louisville Fire
  • Louisville Forward
  • Resiliency and Community Services
  • Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods
  • The Human Relations Commission
  • Human Resources
  • Center for Neighborhoods
  • Jefferson County Public Valuation
  • Administrator
  • Census 2020

For more information about the Community Engagement event at the Republic Bank Foundation YMCA, contact Councilwoman Sexton Smith’s office at 574-1104.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer joined UPS Vice President Tracy Roberts and representatives from the University of Louisville and Jefferson Community and Technical College at UPS Worldport today to ceremonially sign a memorandum of association (MOA) for extension of the Metropolitan College program. This partnership provides Metro College participants with employment and tuition-free educational opportunities.

“Lifelong learning is one of our city’s core values, and with programs like UPS’ Metro College, we are leading the way in preparing our young people for successful careers while building a stronger economy,” said the Mayor. “Metropolitan College has had a tremendous impact on the city of Louisville, and today’s signing recognizes the value of this longstanding partnership with one of Louisville’s largest employers and the value of workforce development and post-secondary education.”

The new MOA extends the program to April 15, 2027, and under the extension, Metro College will be more intentional in encouraging students to consider careers in high-demand fields and improving career pipeline opportunities. The high-demand fields will be defined by local economic trends, growth opportunities and employer needs. Current fields include computer science and engineering, computer information systems, finance, accounting, and other degrees and certificates offered at UofL and JCTC.

Metro College began in 1998 as a partnership between the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Louisville Metro Government, JCTS, UofL and UPS. Metro College provides access to tuition-free post-secondary education and employment opportunities. The program aims to improve employee recruitment and retention at UPS Worldport, the global package delivery company’s international all-points air hub.

“The extension of the Metropolitan College program is critical for UPS and helps to ensure the longevity of this great example of public-private collaboration,” said UPS President Brendan Canavan. “We look forward to continuing to provide educational and job opportunities in the city of Louisville and Commonwealth of Kentucky for years to come.”

According to UPS, more than 20,000 students have participated in the program (at least one semester) since 1998. Enrollment for the 2018 – 2019 academic year was 2,313.

In all, 5,942 Metro College students have earned 10,050 degrees and certifications. Students from more than 100 Kentucky counties have participated. The program has improved UPS employee retention by 80 percent.

UPS works with a coalition of local companies to identify degree tracks with good employment possibilities and works with these companies to place students in full-time jobs once they graduate.

According to economic analysis by Meench and Shanker, LLC, UPS is responsible for bringing 62,000 direct and indirect jobs to Kentucky – 57,000 of those jobs are in Louisville and surrounding counties. Those jobs represent a payroll of $2.5 billion annually. UPS Worldport turns over cargo for 130 aircraft a day, connecting Louisville to 220 countries and territories. The facility employs nearly 12,000 full-and part-time people. UPS employs over 29,000 full- and part-time workers statewide.

Visit to learn more about Metro College.

Neighborhood Place partners will help host several events in February including the 8th annual “African American Read-In” at Southwick Community Center in honor of Black History Month, as well as multiple hiring events for the upcoming Census, Sodexo and the Kentucky Health Career Center. To learn more about these offerings and several others please refer to the list below.

Feb. 3, 12, and 14, Passport Health Care Informational Table at multiple locations
A community engagement representative is onsite to answer any questions that Passport members have regarding their plan, benefits and updates on the upcoming waiver.

  • Feb. 3 at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1000 Neighborhood Place, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Call 363-1483 for more information.
  • Feb. 12 at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 3 – 4:30 p.m. Call 313-4635 for more information.
  • Feb. 14 at South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 9 – 10 a.m. Call 363-1483 for more information.

Feb. 3, 5, 11, 12, 19, and 26, 2020 Census Employment Recruitment at four locations

Become a 2020 Census Taker and support your community. The position entails collection of important data that will determine the state’s representation in Congress as well as how funds are spent in your community on things like roads, schools or hospitals.

  • Feb. 3 at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1000 Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 12 p. m., Call 363-1483 for more information.
  • Feb 4, 11, 18 and 25 at First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Call 313-4700 for more information.
  • Feb. 5, 12, 19, and 26 at South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Call 363-1483 for more information
  • Feb. 11 at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Call 313-4635 for more information.

Feb. 3, 6 and 11, National Processing Center (NPC) Hiring Events at two locations
National Processing Center (NPC) is the U.S. Census Bureau’s primary center for mail processing, survey processing, data capture, imaging/scanning and warehouse operations. U.S. Census Bureau’s representative will be available to share information about the hundreds of entry-level Office & Warehouse Clerks employment opportunities for the Jeffersonville location. NPC recently increased the starting hourly pay rate for entry level clerks to $14.54 per hour.

  • Feb. 3 and 11, NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Location at 4018 West Market St. Call 313-4892 for more information.
  • Feb. 6, Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Wednesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19 and 26 –  Louisville Forward – Office of Community Development/Office of Housing Outreach at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 4018 West Market Street.  If you are interested in learning more about community housing resources such as Down Payment Assistance Programs, Home Repair Programs, Lead Safe Louisville Programs and current efforts to reduce vacant and abandon properties in our communities, representatives from Louisville Forward will be onsite monthly at NorthWest Neighborhood Place to provide face-to-face valuable information to assist median to low-income community residents.  For more information, visit Develop Louisville website at www.Louisvilleky.Gov/DevelopLouisville.

Wednesdays, Feb. 5 – March 25, 4 Your Child Dads Making the Difference at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  
Located at 4018 W. Market St.  For more information or to register for the upcoming weekly workshops, please contact Dr. Cheri Langley at 709-9323 or by email at  “4 Your Child” is an eight-week fatherhood program that aims to improve the quantity and quality of fathers’ involvement by integrating responsible parenting, economic stability, and relationship education services.  Participants may be compensated for their time up to $220 but registration is required.

Feb. 6, Humana Insurance Informational Table at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 313-4635 for more information. A community engagement representative is onsite to answer any questions that members have regarding their plan and updates on the upcoming waiver.

Feb. 6, Sodexo Hiring Opportunities at First Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Road (T.J. Middle School in the W.D. Bruce Building – door #24). Call 313-4700 for more information. Sodexo, a food-service agency, will provide on-the-spot interviews for positions with Jewish Hospital, Our Lady of Peace and University of Louisville Hospital. Bring your resume and be prepared for an interview. This is one of Sodexo’s busiest hiring seasons. Stop by if you are looking for employment that can lead to a full-time or part-time position.

Feb. 6, 13, 18, and 20, A Healthy Journey for Two at multiple locations
Educational Baby Shower A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers. The class will include a range of information and resources, as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks. Hosted by Seven Counties and KIDSNow. Fathers are welcome but must be registered. For more information, contact Mendy Mason at 341-5400 or

  • Feb. 6 at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 4018 W. Market St., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Feb. 13 at First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 1 – 3 p.m.
  • Feb. 18 at South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 1 – 3 p.m.
  • Feb. 20 at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Feb. 10, 17 and 24, Kentucky Health Career Center Outreach at three locations

A KentuckianaWorks Health Career Center professional will provide valuable information to help increase your occupation potential including training funds for in-demand occupations; resources for individuals seeking advance healthcare careers; resume writing, career assessments; interview planning; computer essentials, work-based learning opportunities and more.

  • Feb. 10 at at NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 4018 W. Market St., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Feb. 17 at South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Call 363-1483 for directions, and call 595-4003 for more information.
  • Feb. 24 at First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd., 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Call 313-4700 for more information.

Feb. 17, Anthem Insurance Information Table at Ujima Neigbhorhood Place, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Call 313-4635 for more information. A community engagement representative is onsite to answer any questions that Passport members have regarding their plan and updates on the upcoming waiver.

Feb. 19, JenCare Senior Medical Center to Discuss Heart Healthy Tips for Seniors at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. -1p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place, JenCare will be on hand with healthy snacks and to share tips for seniors on keeping your heart healthy and knowing the symptoms of a heart attack.   Call 363-1483 for more information.

Feb. 20, 8th African American Read-In at Southwick Community Center, 6 p.m.

Located at 3600 Southern Ave. Call 313-4635 for more information. Celebrate black authors through spoken word, dance and Soul Food tasting. Participate in the “Bring a Book, Take a Book” station. Free and open to the public.  Sponsored by Ujima Neighborhood Place, Southwick Community Center, Break Every Chain Deliverance Ministry and Councilwoman Jessica Green.

Feb. 27, Birthing While Black Community Conversation at Ujima Neighborhood Place, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Located at 3610 Bohne Ave. Contact 354-8424 for more information.  Join this community conversation focusing on addressing racial gaps in maternal health. A film screening will take placefrom 6:45 – 7:30 p.m. followed by a discussion.  Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Ujima Neighborhood Place, Louisville Metro’s Department of Public Health and Wellness and Healthy Start initiative.

Mayor Greg Fischer today joined U.S. Census Bureau representatives and community leaders to officially open the Louisville Census office.

The Broadway office will house Census Bureau managers, staff, materials and equipment needed to support the 2020 Census efforts for 43 counties in central and western Kentucky, including Louisville. Census office employees will be conducting local Census operations to guarantee that a complete count of residents is reached in 2020.

“The Census helps determine government representation and the distribution of billions of dollars for local communities for highways, schools and hospitals,” Mayor Fischer said. “We need every person living in Louisville to be counted, and I’m thankful for our community partners on the Municipal Complete Count Committee who are working throughout the city for full representation.”

The official Census 2020 date is April 1 and households will begin receiving Census information in mid-March.

Learn more.

The Municipal Complete Count Committee (MC3) is comprised of Louisville Metro staff, community leaders, and faith organizations. The MC3 is working to raise awareness of the Census throughout the community, particularly with historically under-counted populations, children age 5 and younger, immigrants and young African-American men.

The new Census Office will house training and recruitment efforts. The Census must hire thousands of employees for part-time, temporary, work from home positions with pay up to $23.50 per hour plus mileage reimbursement. Apply online at: The application takes about 30 minutes and averages 30 to 60 days to hear back. Most of these are work from home field positions with paid training and a laptop provided.

Additional 2020 Census jobs are available at the U.S. Census Bureau’s National Processing Center, located across the river in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Job vacancies at this facility are posted on and include clerks, technicians, warehouse positions, office staff and supervisory staff.

“We need help filling thousands of jobs, and we are looking for people who want to be a part of history,” said Carolyn Franklin, Regional Census Partnership Specialist. “It is important that we get an accurate count in the Census because we supply population count data for the next 10 years. That data is used to fund school lunches, Head Start/Jump Start, emergency services, Medicaid, Health Centers, Medicare Part B, nonprofits, and other quality of life programs.”

For the first time, all households will be invited to complete the Census online. In mid-March, addresses will receive a mailed invitation to respond online. If there is no response to the online invitation, a paper form will be mailed with options to respond to the form or by phone.

More information about the 2020 Census and the Municipal Complete Count Committee can be found at, or contact Catalina Cordova, Louisville’s Census Coordinator at or at (502) 574-5040.

Photo: CDC

Two more people in Louisville have died from the flu over the past two weeks. Both were elderly individuals with underlying medical conditions. This brings the number of flu deaths in Louisville this flu season to five.

Louisville had 600 laboratory confirmed flu cases last week, and 888 in the prior week. This compares to 522 and 429 laboratory confirmed flu cases respectively for the same two-week period last year.  Kentucky’s Department for Public Health is reporting widespread flu activity.  Nationally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that key indicators that track flu activity declined slightly but remain high.  CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 13 million flu illnesses, 120,000 hospitalizations and 6,600 deaths from flu

“Everyone age six months and older should get a flu shot,” said Dr. Sarah Moyer, director of the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness and the city’s chief health strategist.  “If you’re sick, please see a healthcare provider right away. Antiviral medications may be a treatment option that can lessen your symptoms and shorten the time of your illness.”

People  who are at high risk of serious complications from flu include:

  • Children younger than 5, and especially children younger than two
  • Adults age 65 and older
  • Pregnant women and women up to two weeks after baby’s birth
  • Residents of nursing homes and long-term facilities
  • People with chronic medical conditions
  • People with weakened immune systems

“Many people can’t get a flu shot,” added Dr. Moyer.  “They may be younger than six months of age, be undergoing chemotherapy or have other health conditions that prevent them from getting vaccinated.  When you get a flu shot, you’re not only protecting yourself but you’re protecting others.”

Flu shots are available at physicians’ offices, pharmacies and at many grocery stores. The cost of flu shots is covered by most insurance plans, by Medicare and by Medicaid. To find a flu shot location near you click here.

Louisville Metro Government’s Office of Advanced Planning and Sustainability will host a public workshop on Jan. 29 to gather feedback from residents about the current conditions of the Butchertown, Phoenix Hill and NuLu neighborhoods and listen to their ideas for the future as part of a neighborhood planning process.

The neighborhood plan will encompass 6.3 square miles on the edge of the Central Business District. Home to historic residential areas, energetic commercial corridors, and regional destinations, Butchertown, Phoenix Hill and NuLu are unique part of Louisville’s urban fabric.

“Over the last several years, the Butchertown, Phoenix Hill and NuLu neighborhoods have experienced an influx of investment activity and development, turning the neighborhoods into destinations for locals and visitors alike,” said Mayor Greg Fischer. “As they continue to evolve, it is critical that we take the time to ensure that that development is thoughtful and honors the history and individual character of these neighborhoods.”

The public workshop will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at the Waterfront Botanical Gardens, 1435 Frankfort Ave. Doors open at 5 p.m., with a presentation starting at 5:30 p.m. The event is open to all Louisville residents. All are also encouraged to submit their thoughts via an online survey at

Neighborhood plans are used to find solutions to neighborhoods’ unique challenges, identify areas of opportunity, and provide a roadmap for future development. The success of the public visioning process is a critical step in building understanding, support, and ownership of focus areas that will ultimately lead to effective implementation across time.

The neighborhood plans for Butchertown and Phoenix Hill were last updated in 2008 prior to the establishment of NuLu. Since then, the neighborhoods have seen investment in retail, restaurants, hotels, multifamily developments, and the start of construction on major destination projects such as the Waterfront Botanical Gardens and the Lynn Family Stadium. The city also drafted and adopted the 2013 Downtown Master Plan, which envisioned the neighborhoods as prime opportunities for infill development that could be stimulated through better connections to the central business district.

Development of the new Butchertown-Phoenix Hill-NuLu Neighborhood Plan will be led by a team of consultants – landscape architecture and urban planning firm MKSK, transportation engineering firm WSP, and landscape architecture firm Booker Design Collaborative – in partnership with the Office of Advanced Planning and Sustainability.

“This plan is an exciting opportunity for Butchertown, Phoenix Hill and NuLu residents to help build on the area’s momentum and set a community-driven vision for the next ten years,” said Andrew Knight, Design Principal with MKSK. “The plan’s recommendations will be shaped by what we hear from the public, so we encourage residents, workers and visitors to get involved and share their ideas at our public meeting and through our online survey.”

The consultant team also is currently seeking volunteer ambassadors for the Butchertown-Phoenix Hill-NuLu Neighborhood Plan, who will provide grassroots outreach to residents, business and property owners, and visitors to ensure the plan include input from a diverse group. For more information or to volunteer, contact Kristin Booker of Booker Design Collaborative at

Mayor Greg Fischer today announced the appointment of Sabeen Nasim as Director of the Louisville Metro Office for Globalization, which works to implement new strategies to engage and welcome Louisville’s international community.

“As evidenced by the fact that we were only the second city in the U.S. to achieve Certified Welcoming City status, Louisville is leading the country in welcoming foreign-born residents and giving them the tools and support necessary to reach their full human potential,” Mayor Fischer said. “Sabeen’s commitment to empowering people and encouraging them to be trailblazers within their community makes her the right person to lead and maximize our city’s globalization efforts.”

Nasim joins the Office for Globalization as an experienced leader and public servant with more than 15 years working in various roles related to community development.

“Joining the Office for Globalization has been a dream come true where I can focus my passion on cultivating economic, educational and cultural opportunities for our diverse community and promote a welcoming agenda for all residents of Louisville,” said Nasim.

As a Pakistani-born immigrant raised in Southern California, Nasim said she’s overcome obstacles throughout her life, balancing two cultures while acclimating to a new country. With life lessons as her foundation, she pledged to pay it forward by working to ensure everyone has every opportunity to succeed – the definition of the city’s value of compassion.

Prior to her role with the Office for Globalization, Nasim served as UPS Air Region Public Affairs & Community Relations Supervisor, the primary field representative and liaison for the UPS Foundation. In this position, she was responsible for overseeing the foundation’s local grant program and helped drive a culture that supported giving back to communities through strategic philanthropy, partnerships with local nonprofits, skills-based and in-house volunteerism, board engagement, and public policy.

Nasim also has held a variety of positions within Jefferson County Public Schools, including middle school science teacher, assistant principal and project manager, orchestrating the work of all accountable grant components and sub-committees, research and planning, community development and organizational leadership.

Nasim’s enthusiasm to help others reach their full potential resulted in her being recognized as Louisville’s Business First Top 20 People to Know in Education and the Workforce. Nasim holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from California State University of Long Beach and a Master of Education, Leadership and Administration degree from the University of Louisville. She recently graduated as a member of Leadership Louisville’s 2019 Class of Bingham Fellows. Her dedication to the community involves work with various boards, including TreesLouisville, the World Affairs Council and Fund for the Arts.

She replaces Bryan Warren, who led the office for four years and now serves as the vice president of education for Kentucky Performing Arts.

Today is Nasim’s first day leading the Office for Globalization.
