With warmer weather in sight and spring just around the corner, Louisville Parks and Recreation is encouraging the public to get active and have some fun.
There are several opportunities for youths and adults to cure their cabin fever during the month of March and into late spring.
Teams ages 18 and older, minimum of seven teams. Games are on Mondays and Wednesday nights at Seneca Park, 3151 Pee Wee Reese Drive. Registration deadline, April 26, 2019. For more information, click here.
Spring Softball Leagues
Co-ed and men’s teams. Games are Monday-Friday nights at several local parks. Registration deadline, April 26, 2019. For more information, click here.
Senior Softball League
Ages 60 and older play on Tuesday mornings and 65 and olderplay on Thursday mornings at Camp Taylor Park. For registration information please contact Al Benniger at 502/458-7727 or Louisville Parks Athletics Office at 502/574-4515.
Youth Soccer Skills Clinics
Ages 18 and Younger at the Beechmont Community Center. With Louisville City FC. Free, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – no clinic April 13. Starts on March 16 with a kick-off event and ends April 27. For more information, click here.
Pitch, Hit and Run Competition
The annual Pitch, Hit, and Run competition begins March 30 at Petersburg Park.The competition will continue on April 6 at Wyandotte Park.Competitors ages 7-14 are invited to come practice throwing strikes at a designated target, hitting for distance and accuracy, and sprinting from 2nd base to home plate. For more information, call 502/574-4515 or e-mail Brady.Buckley@louisvilleky.gov.
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