The volume of yard waste set out for collection by residents of Louisville’s Urban Services District has been very heavy since the April 1 start of yard waste collection season. The high volume has led to delayed or missed collections in some cases.
To handle to high volume and get collection on schedule, the Solid Waste Management division of Louisville Metro Public Works has shifted the daily start time of yard waste collection. Crews are now starting out on their yard waste collection routes at noon instead of the previous 6 a.m. start time.
The noon start creates a better match between the availability of yard waste collection workers and equipment. That has reduced the need for overtime while increasing productivity and on-time collection.
The new schedule means the regular yard waste collection schedule will extend into the evening. However, residents should continue to set yard waste out by the morning of collection day. If yard waste has not been collected by 8 p.m. on the assigned day, residents should contact Metro311 the following morning at 311 or 574-5000.
The best way to reduce the need for collection and improve your yard is to follow the Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em (LELE) practice of using your yard waste as fertilizer.
LELE Tips & Tricks:
Learn more about yard waste at
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