Friday July 26, 2024
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Councilwoman Sexton Smith encourages everyone to get connected at “Love Sings Louder”

We are bringing folks together from all walks of life for one purpose: to show unity and understanding through song. This Sunday, September 15th, hundreds are expected to come together and experience “Love Sings Louder” at the Iroquois Amphitheater.

Councilwoman Barbara Sexton Smith (D-4) has joined with The Jewish Federation, Jewish Community Center, Fund for the Arts and the Republic Bank Foundation to sponsor this musical event. This is a free, community-wide, multi-faith, multi-cultural, intergenerational program.

“We invite all races, all cultures and all religions to come forward together for one afternoon in unity through song to show a spirit of community and understanding,” says Councilwoman Sexton Smith. “At a time when we see violence and the rise of racism, we have an opportunity to do something unique and special to show each of us that we can find common ground through music.”

“Love Sings Louder” is inspired by the currently popular “mass singing initiatives” facilitated by groups like Israel’s Koolulam and Canada’s Choir!Choir!Choir!. These events have brought together a diverse range of community members with the idea to stop everything for a few hours and just sing together.

Councilwoman Sexton-Smith and Mark Perelmuter are co-chairs of the event. Jecorey 1200 will lead the way.

In the setting of the Iroquois Amphitheater, those who gather to participate in “Love Sings Louder” will be taught one special song by various community leaders and musical performers. Then, together everyone will sing as a way of feeling of togetherness through a deep communal experience – their sounds and voices coming together to create a social choir, full of hope and optimism.

“This will be a wonderful experience for our community and our city, and I hope it will continue to grow over the years. I look forward joining many others who want to be part of something that will leave a magical memory. Together, we can make something beautiful happen,” says the Councilwoman.

“Love Sings Louder” will begin at 2:00pm. The Iroquois Amphitheater is located at 1080 Amphitheater Road.

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