“The expansion and success of Kentucky’s Rocket Docket as outlined in the newly released PAC report shows how important the program is in helping us find workable solutions to our drug epidemic. Many non-violent offenders need treatment not incarceration, and Rocket Docket expedites the process so they can get the help they so desperately need. I was proud my office could secure $2 million in drug settlement funds for the Rocket Docket program. This investment into Kentuckians struggling with addiction will not only save lives but create ongoing efficiencies for state and local county jails and prosecutors. The Rocket Docket initiative has saved approximately $18.7 million in local jail costs from July 16, 2015 to Oct. 31, 2016, and has referred nearly 2,380 defendants into drug treatment. As leaders, we must continue to find ways to secure more funding for greater access to treatment and proven prevention programming for children and families.”
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