Sunday January 12, 2025
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Olmsted Parks Conservancy To Host Cleanup Events For Elliott Park

Olmsted Parks Conservancy is recruiting volunteers to help enhance Elliott a 109-year-old park located between 28th and 29th street, a block north of Broadway in Louisville’s west end. Its four acres of land sandwiched between residential properties and commercial serves as a gathering to play basketball and horseshoes and play on the playground.

The Conservancy seeks help with weeding, mulching trees and playground, painting and other general cleanup around the whole park. With the goal of enhancing the park for the neighborhood to further enjoy. People interested in helping are asked to register online at the Events page at or call contact Sarah Wolff at (502) 456-8125.

Volunteers can help in Elliott Park on these dates:
July 22, 2017 from 10:00am- 12:00pm
July 25, 2017 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm
On July 29, Dreamsetters United, an organization empowering youth, have committed time at Elliott Park with 40-50 teens and young adult volunteers. “We are extremely excited about renovating Elliott Park in hopes that the community can come together in a nice place which in theory will help minimize the amount of crime in the area. We just want to help bring the community back together,” stated Hassan Latifalia, Founder, Dreamsetters United.

As early as 1863 the land now known as Elliott Park, was used as a recreation area. In the late 1870 it was home to the Eclipse Baseball Club, pro and semi-pro teams. The park was destroyed by fire in 1892 and the park stayed vacant until 1906 when parks commission took over the deed from the city. Then in 1908 the Olmsted firm was hired to create a design for the park. The park was named Elliott Park after Theodore Elliott donated the land.

Elliott Park is a popular area for the Russell neighborhood. Olmsted Parks Conservancy is committed to keeping the park as a welcoming greenspace until funds are donated to create a plan for future renovation.

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