Sunday January 12, 2025
News Sections

Derby Festival Joins Forces With Global Game Changers

The Kentucky Derby Festival is joining forces with Global Game Changers (GGC), a group known for their superpowered projects, to help teach local children the importance of volunteerism. The “Citywide Power of Volunteerism” project is part of the 2019 Give A Day week of service, set for April 13 – April 20. The Festival and GGC hope to unite 130,000 + students in Louisville with the service project, geared at helping students understand the impact of volunteers, as well as acknowledge and thank volunteers who help make the community a better place to live.

“With more than 70 events to produce each year, we couldn’t do it without our large network of volunteers,” said Mike Berry, President and CEO of the Kentucky Derby Festival. “They devote countless hours to help put on a celebration for the community. We hope this partnership inspires young people to do the same – to help others.”

Students in grades K-12th enrolled in Jefferson County Public Schools, Archdiocese of Louisville Schools, Louisville Independent, Private, and Home Schools will have the opportunity to participate in the project, being coordinated by Global Game Changers. GGC will provide lessons and resources to the school systems, giving students and teachers alike the opportunity to learn more about volunteering in the community. The hope is that this partnership will empower students and encourage them to envision themselves as future volunteers.

“Global Game Changers is honored to partner with Kentucky Derby Festival to highlight the amazing power of volunteerism during this special time of year,” said Jan Helson, GGC Board Chair. “Through our educational lesson, students will get a sneak peek into the magic that goes into the Festival, thank those that make it happen, and get motivated to serve themselves either this year or in the future.”

Global Game Changers has already started delivering Superhero cards to schools across the city. Students are encouraged to draw or a write a note on the cards thanking a volunteer for their dedication to the community. The ultimate goal is to encourage students and educators to spread compassion and gratitude. The cards will be collected and delivered to volunteers in the coming weeks, as part of Give A Day.

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