Sunday February 16, 2025
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Neighborhood Place Partners Offer Workshops On Mindfulness, Living Well, And Parenting

Each month, Neighborhood Place partners provide numerous events and resources to benefit the entire family.  Activities in April include a mindfulness workshop to learn meditation practices, a series of classes to help manage health issues, workshops that help fathers with parenting skills and much more. To learn more about these offerings, please refer to the list below.

April 2 and 9, Learn Mindfulness Workshop at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 1 – 2 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place.  For more information or registration call Polly Mayer at 363-1483.  These classes will help participants gain insights and techniques to build meditation practices, discover interior stillness, and learn positive coping skills rooted in kindness and compassion.  Classes are offered free by the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center and the Mindfulness Mentors.

April 4, Sodexo Hiring Opportunities at First Neighborhood Place, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Road (T.J. Middle School in the W.D. Bruce Building – door #24).  Call 313-4700 for more information.  Sodexo, a food-service agency, will provide on-the-spot interviews for positions with Jewish Hospital, Our Lady of Peace and University of Louisville Hospital. Bring your resume and be prepared for an interview. This is one of Sodexo’s busiest hiring seasons. Stop by if you are looking for employment that can lead to a full-time or part-time position. 

April 9, 11, 16, 24 and 29, A Healthy Journey for Two Educational Baby Shower at multiple locations.

For more information, contact Mendy Mason at 502-341-5400.  A Healthy Journey for Two is an educational baby shower open to any expectant mothers.  The class will include a range of information and resources, as well as free baby items, gift cards, prizes, and snacks.  Hosted by Seven Counties and KIDSNow.  Fathers are welcome but must be registered. 

  • April 9, NorthWest Neighborhood Place, 4018 West Market St. 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • April 11, First Neighborhood Place, 1503 Rangeland Rd. 1 – 3 p.m.
  • April 16, South Central Neighborhood Place, 4255 Hazelwood Ave., 1 – 3 p.m.
  • April 24, Ujima Neighborhood Place, 3610 Bohne Ave., 1 -3 p.m.
  • April 29, Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, 1411 Algonquin Parkway. 1 – 3 p.m.

Thursdays, April 11 – May 16, Living Well Workshop at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

Located at 1000 Neighborhood Place.  Call 772-8588 to register. Do you have diabetes, high blood pressure, pain, asthma, arthritis, depression or other ongoing health problems?  This program offers free support and can help you learn to manage your health.  Earn an eight-week YMCA membership just for attending. Sponsored by Family Health Centers and the YMCA.

April 11, The Center for Women and Families Outreach at First Neighborhood Place, 1- 3:30 p.m. Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd (door #24) side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School.  For more information, contact Nayelyi Sanchez, Domestic Violence Advocate at (502) 581-7270. Staff with the Center for Women and Families will be on-hand to give an overview of their services which include trauma-informed advocacy and support for qualified families and individuals with supportive services; emergency shelter; sexual assault services; housing; children’s services and more.

Wednesdays, April 17 – June 13, 4 Your Child Dads Making the Difference at First Neighborhood Place.  Sessions are from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Located at 1503 Rangeland Rd. (door #16) side of Thomas Jefferson Middle School. For more information or to register for the upcoming weekly workshops, please contact Dr. Cheri Langley at 502.709.9323 or by email at  All fathers are invited to join in engaging and informative workshops which can increase your parenting and relationship skills knowledge. A father’s involvement in their children’s lives has received increased attention in recent years. Research has concluded that factors such as parenting skills, co-parenting relationship quality and socio-economic status all impact fathers’ ability to contribute to their children’s growth and development. Participants may qualify to be compensated up to $220. 

April 18, Passport Health Care Community Engagement at South Jefferson Neighborhood Place, 2 – 3 p.m.
Located at 1000 Neighborhood PlaceCall 1-800-578-0603, ext.  8428 to leave a message if you want to attend.  Passport Members are invited to join with representatives from Passport Health Care for one-on-one consultations to discuss plan benefits and options.  This is a great opportunity as Passport aims to raise awareness and educate the community about the Passport Health Plan mission.  Passport members will receive a $10 retail gift card for attending.

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