Friday July 26, 2024
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WAL-MART: West Louisville Wants You BACK!

Council members Jessica Green (D-1), Mary C. Woolridge (D-3) and Kelly Downard (R-16) are supporting a petition started by the Reverend Kirk M. Bush of Harrods Creek Baptist Church, asking Wal-Mart to reconsider their recent decision to cancel plans for the new supercenter development that was planned for 18th and Broadway.

“We Need Wal-Mart, We Want Wal-Mart, we are encouraging them to rethink their decision and come back to the table,” said Green.  “We are desperate for the same goods, services and conveniences available in other parts of our community and implore Wal-Mart to give the 18th and Broadway development another chance.”

A petition of nearly 5000 signatures in support of Wal-Mart at 18th and Broadway was collected in less than three weeks early in 2016, in an effort to keep Wal-Mart at the table during litigation.  The hope is that this new petition will far exceed those numbers and inspire Wal-Mart to revisit the 18th and Broadway development in west Louisville.

“With the loss of the Food Port, the announcement of the closing of the Shively Kroger, it is vital to the residents of West Louisville that we have GOT to have this Wal-Mart at 18th and Broadway,” said Woolridge.

“We need Wal-Mart, the BEST operator in the United States, to bring their wide array of quality products to people who want them and need them but, don’t have access to them now,”  said Councilman Kelly Downard.  “We need EVERYONE to sign the petition and bring Wal-Mart back.”

The online petition asking Doug McMillon, President and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Greg Foran, President and CEO of Wal-Mart U.S.  to reconsider the decision regarding the 18th and Broadway location and reconsider building the supercenter to provide West Louisville with quality goods, services and jobs.  The petition can be found at

“We believe in Wal-Mart and what they will bring to the people of the west end who feel marginalized and forgotten,” said the Reverend Kirk M. Bush.  “Wal-Mart will bring much needed economic development, opportunities, jobs and will serve as a symbol that the residents of West Louisville have not been forgotten.”

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