Friday February 7, 2025
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City’s Newest Sprayground Among Major Improvements At Huston Quin Park

Photo: Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation

Mayor Greg Fischer and 15th District Councilwoman Marianne Butler joined city officials and area youths yesterday to dedicate the city’s 31st outdoor water element at Huston Quin Park in the Wilder Park neighborhood near Churchill Downs.

“The improvements at Huston Quin will give neighborhood families a nice new spot to cool off during the summer months,” Fischer said. “The new sprayground, in particular, makes this a great destination for residents in south Louisville.”

“This long-awaited for sprayground is a wonderful enhancement for the neighborhood,” Butler said. “Seeing children coming together to play harmoniously is heartwarming and should be the model for all.”

The $510,000 renovation at the two-acre park, which is named after former Louisville Mayor Huston Quin, was mainly funded by a Community Development Block Grant of $500,000 and included $10,000 from general funds to help install a new water fountain.

“We’re very excited to see this work at Huston Quin and for the project support from Mayor Fischer, Councilwoman Butler and the office of Housing and Community Development,” said Metro Parks and Recreation Director Seve Ghose. “The end result is an enhanced experience for park users.”

Additional improvements at the park include a new restroom facility and improvements to the site that will result in ADA access to the restroom and sprayground. David Construction was the general contractor on the project and Tetra Tech and Environs served as design consultants.

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