Sunday September 15, 2024
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Phase Two Of Victory Park Revitalization Project Begins

Officials from the Olmsted Parks Conservancy, Louisville Parks and Recreation, Mayor Greg Fischer, Council President David James, and many park neighbors celebrated the start of phase two of the Victory Park Revitalization Project at the annual Victory Park Day celebration today.

Olmsted Parks Conservancy and Louisville Parks & Recreation began the project in 2017. Phase two, an $640,000 additional park investment, includes a new playground and sprayground; addition to the lodge to allow a covered picnic area; additional tree planting and new connector walking paths.

After several public meetings with Victory Park neighbors in 2016, Olmsted Parks Conservancy and Louisville Parks and Recreation finalized a Master Plan that outlined work needed for the park. The first phase of the project included relocating the basketball court to the northwest side of the park to create a larger open area for activities; new walking path, more than a quarter mile in length; additional lighting, benches and 35 trees. Phase one was completed this spring.

Financial support for more than $1.1 million revitalization project, came from donors of Olmsted Parks Conservancy’s Campaign for Extraordinary Parks, including Humana Foundation, James Graham Brown Foundation, PNC Foundation and Kosair Charities along with support from City of Louisville, Mayor Greg Fischer, Metro Council President David James and Louisville Parks and Recreation.

“Victory Park is very important part of this neighborhood and Olmsted Parks Conservancy’s wants to complete projects that ensure the surrounding residents can enjoy a beautiful, safe and clean park,” said Layla George, President/CEO, Olmsted Parks Conservancy.

“It has taken the cooperation of a lot of partners, and a lot of hard work to get to phase two of the project in Victory Park,” said Parks and Recreation Director Seve Ghose. “It’s going to be exciting to see it continue and evolve into a true source of pride for the neighborhood.”

“Parks are a community resource, and we have world-class parks because the community comes together to care for them,” said Mayor Greg Fischer. “The Olmsted Parks Conservancy is a critical partner in the effort to maintain parks like Victory, and the relationship they have with Metro Government and Parks and Recreation is so important to this city.”

“The Community appreciates all of the changes we have seen in making Victory Park a true neighborhood park and they look forward to their continued partnership with Metro Parks and the Olmsted Conservancy as we move ahead with Phase II. I want to thank everyone for their commitment to improving Victory Park for the people who live here and the people and families who come to use the park for their enjoyment,” said Metro Council President David James, who represents District 6, where Victory Park is located.

Victory Park is a four-acre parcel of land that was set aside as a park space by the Board of Park Commissioners in 1919 with a design drawn in 1923 by the Olmsted Brothers. The area was noted for its magnificent trees, including gum, oak, osage orange and elm. It was originally called Greenwood Park, but its name was changed to Victory Park, in commemoration of World War I.

Victory Park has historically been the site for band concerts, plays, and gathering space for choral groups, as well as a place for active and passive play. Since its inception, this greenspace has been a focal point and a source of community pride for the surrounding neighborhood.

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