Saturday September 14, 2024
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Online Animal Abuse Registry Goes Live

Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS) is reminding residents that a new Louisville ordinance that took effect Tuesday requires the name of any person convicted of animal abuse in Jefferson County to be placed on an Animal Abuse Registry.

Metro Council District 8 Representative Brandon Coan sponsored the ordinance, which was approved by the full Council in April.

“Animal abuse registries are growing across the country as an important law enforcement tool to not only prevent animal cruelty, but also identify individuals who may pose a domestic violence or other serious threat to the public at large,” said Coan.

LMAS will notify convicted offenders of the requirement to self-register and pay an annual registration fee of $100. Offenders will remain on the registry for a period of two years. Pet stores, shelters and animal organizations that offer pet adoptions and sales are required to check the registry before allowing a person to adopt or purchase a pet.

“In the early months and years of the registry, a primary focus will be to minimize the burden on small businesses and nonprofits in terms of compliance,” said Coan. “We intend to work closely with stakeholders until the system works well for everyone.”

Kentucky consistently ranks among the worst states for animal rights, though Louisville’s animal ordinance goes beyond state statutes. The creation of an animal abuse registry is designed as another tool to keep animals from those who would abuse them.

Under the ordinance, LMAS will maintain the Animal Abuse Registry, updating it at least once every 30 days. Anyone convicted of animal abuse outside of Jefferson County must register within 10 days of establishing residency. Failure to register or comply with the registry could result in a maximum 60 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. To view the Animal Abuse Registry and read the ordinance, visit

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