Friday July 26, 2024
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Breakfast Meetings To Encourage Adoption Amoung Faith-Based Community

Members of the faith-based community in the Louisville area are invited to learn more about Governor Matt Bevin’s “Open Hearts/Open Homes” initiative during  a series of breakfast events later this month.

The Jefferson County Office of the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), which coordinates the foster care and adoption program within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS), is sponsoring several free “Kickoff Breakfasts” for faith-based community partners. Everyone is invited for a meal and fellowship to discuss the state’s need for more adoptive families.

Gov. Bevin launched Open Hearts/Open Homes in March at a Frankfort summit of more than 200 partners as part of his pledge to improve the state’s adoption and foster care system. Open Hearts/Open Homes aims to find permanent placements for those children in foster care with a goal of adoption by relying on the state’s churches, nonprofit groups and caring individuals.

Gov. Bevin said he hopes to see the Louisville-area network of churches become involved in Open Hearts/Open Homes.

“We are asking our churches to help lead on this issue,” Gov. Bevin said. “Church leaders and members are encouraged to consider the life-changing journey of foster care and adoption. With the commitment of these incredible communities, we can give these children the forever homes with loving families.”

Of the state’s 8,000 plus children in out of home care, more than 1,000 are in Jefferson County. Each session begins at 9 a.m. and include a short presentation about the foster care and adoption program and a question and answer session with those in attendance. Each event will close with prayer at 10 a.m.

Here is the schedule for the breakfast sessions in Louisville this month.

  • April 25: Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, 1411 Algonquin Parkway
  • April 26: Charmoli Neighborhood Place (Middletown), 200 Juneau Drive, Suite 200
  • April 27: Fairdale Neighborhood Place (Fairdale), 1000 Neighborhood Place (off National Turnpike, behind the South Park TAPP School)
  • April 28: Youth for Christ Building, 4102 W. Market St.

Because of limited seating, RSVPs are required and should be sent to Please limit number of attendees to two per organization.

CHFS Secretary Vickie Yates Brown Glisson said Gov. and First Lady Glenna Bevin are putting all Kentucky children first in their efforts to improve the Commonwealth.

“Gov. Bevin and the First Lady are exceptional ambassadors for our foster and adoption services,” Glisson said. “Thanks to the Governor’s servant leadership we are now in position to discuss the great need around this issue and engage many more loving families into the foster and adoptive communities.”

For more information about how you can become a foster or adoptive parent, or to get more general information simply email:, go to the  state adoption  website, which helps families more easily navigate the foster care and adoption process or call 1-800-232-KIDS (5437).

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