Wednesday February 12, 2025
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Public Meetings To Be Held To Discuss Lexington Road Safety Improvements

Photo: Louisville Metro Office of Advanced Planning

The Louisville Metro Office of Advanced Planning will hold public meetings at 6 p.m. on April 19 and May 18 at Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, 2115 Lexington Road, to discuss safety improvements coming soon to Lexington Road between Grinstead Drive and Payne Street.

The meetings are designed to allow citizens to view and to discuss the proposed improvements with Metro staff. The planned changes implement recommendations of the Lexington Road Corridor Transportation Plan, which was completed in 2015 after extensive community engagement.

Project details include:

  • Extending the left turn bay on eastbound Lexington Road to northbound Grinstead Drive, for those traveling to I-64, to accommodate rush hour congestion. The number of lanes at this intersection will not be reduced.
  • Lanes in the lower traffic volume area between Grinstead and Payne will be reduced from four to two so that a flush median (buffer zone) can be introduced to separate oncoming traffic and reduce the number of collisions.
  • Dedicated left turn lanes will be introduced at Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, The Woods at Lexington Road, and Payne Street.
  • With the reduction in the number of lanes in the lower traffic volume areas, the pavement width will allow for painted, flush medians and bike facilities.

The safety improvements will be coordinated with a scheduled repaving of the Lexington Road corridor slated for later this year. The current Average Daily Traffic (ADT) count—a measurement of the volume of vehicular traffic per day—is currently 10,800 vehicles and has been decreasing since the completion of the Ohio River Bridges Project.

Typical roadway reconfigurations of four lanes to two lanes can accommodate up to 16,000 ADT.

Lexington Road is very similar in design to Grinstead Drive, which underwent a similar reconfiguration in 2012 and has shown a 67 percent reduction in collisions.

Lexington Road from Payne Street to Baxter Avenue is not part of this proposed project, though funding is available to study the Payne to Baxter segment.  As part of this future study, additional opportunities for citizens input will be provided.

To view the Lexington Road Corridor Transportation Plan or provide a comment on this project, please visit…

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