On Friday, February 23 and Saturday, February 24, the Louisville Orchestra welcomes nationally acclaimed conductor, Thomas Wilkins, to Whitney Hall to lead one of Gustav Holst’s most popular symphonic works – The Planets. This presentation will include HD images from NASA projected on a big screen over the stage. Experience this symphonic powerhouse with stunning images, from the Mars Rover mission and past probe missions Magellan, Voyager, and Galileo. Single tickets range from $27 – $85 and are available by calling 502.584.7777 or visit LouisvilleOrchestra.org.
Created by filmmaker Duncan Copp and produced by The Houston Symphony in cooperation with NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratories, The Planets: An HD Odyssey is a spectacular presentation of the latest images from modern space exploration projected in high definition on a giant screen over the stage, providing a stunning visual canvas as your Louisville Orchestra performs Gustav Holst’s glorious musical score.
“The images in the movie, produced and directed by Duncan Copp, were often astonishing. Photographs from rovers and satellites, radar images and computer-generated graphics were combined to give the audience the impression of circling individual planets and sometimes flying over their awesomely barren landscapes…There is, of course, a film-score-like quality to the music, and combining it with imagery has been done before, though not to my mind with such sophistication.” – The New York Times
Thomas Wilkins is currently the Music Director of the Omaha Symphony, the Principal Conductor of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and the Germeshausen Family and Youth Concert Conductor Chair with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Learn more about Maestro Wilkins at http://www.kaylormanagement.com/Wilkins_Thomas_bio.html.
PROGRAM: Hilliard Lyons Coffee Concert: Friday, February 23, 2018 11AM
Brown-Forman Classics Concert: Saturday, February 24, 2018 8PM
The Kentucky Center, Whitney Hall Thomas Wilkins, Conductor | Kent Hatteberg, Choursmaster | Women of the University of Louisville Collegiate Chorale
+ CLAUDE DEBUSSY:: Nocturnes
JAMES BECKEL:: Toccata for Orchestra
GUSTAV HOLST:: The Planets
+ Saturday evening performance only
Due to the high demand by school groups, there is limited seating for Friday morning’s Coffee concert.
Opus 3 Artists is the exclusive representative for “The Planets: An HD Odyssey.”
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