Sunday January 12, 2025
News Sections

David James Re-Elected President Of Louisville Metro Council

Photo: Louisville Metro Council

By a unanimous vote, President David James (D-6) has been reelected for a third term as President of the Louisville Metro Council in 2020.

“To my colleagues I want to say thank you to each of you for your vote tonight. Tonight, we continue our commitment to making our city a better place for people we serve,” said President James. “There are many tough issues ahead for us but I am confident that together we will solve those problems as they arise.”

In mapping out the year ahead, the President named these as challenges:

Finding the $14 million to pay for next year’s pension increase

Working with state lawmakers for a Restaurant Tax or other options to offset pension costs
Continued focus on Safety

Advocating for more funding for police recruit classes
Monitoring the new agreement between Metro Louisville and the state Youth Detention Services

David James was elected to the Metro Council in November of 2010. He serves the neighborhoods of Algonquin, California, Limerick, Old Louisville, Park Hill, Russell, St. Joseph, Shelby Park, Smoketown-Jackson, Taylor-Berry, University, and the Central Business District.

He has previously held leadership positions as Democratic Caucus Chair in 2013 and 2015. He has also chaired of the Metro Council’s Public Safety Committee.

Sonya Harward was unanimously elected as the Metro Council Clerk for 2020.

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