Saturday February 8, 2025
News Sections

It’s an opportunity to clean out the garage, the attic, and the basement of those things that have been collecting dust over the years and get them to a place where someone else might be able to use them, or where they can be safely disposed.

Councilman Bill Hollander (D-9) announces the Annual Responsible Recycling Event set for Saturday May 13th between 9:30am and 12:30pm at the Louisville Water Tower Park, 3005 River Road.

“This is a great way to remove those things in your home that could find new life by being recycled,” says Hollander. “Any Louisville Metro resident can help the environment and a variety of non-profits by simply bringing to one location what you no longer want or use and dropping it off for free.”

The Free Responsible Recycling Event is open to all Louisville Metro residents.  It is easy to participate. Just gather what you would like to recycle, then drive up and drop your items off at the appropriate vendor.  Businesses will not be allowed to participate at this event. A multitude of items will be accepted for recycling or reuse, including paper for shredding. New this year all items collected at Haz Bin will be accepted, and LMPD officers will be on-site to collect old expired and unused medications.
The following items will also be accepted:

  • BATTERIES (rechargeable and non-rechargeable) Please have them separated
  • TELEVISIONS (must work and may not be older than 10 years); no console and projection TVs accepted.
  • COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS (terminals, towers, laptops, printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, VHS/DVD players, stereo, monitors)
  • HANDHELD ELECTRONICS (cell phones, cell phone accessories, iPods, tablets, MP3 players)
  • HAZARDOUS MATERIALS All items accepted at Haz Bin location – see attached flyer for complete list including oil based & latex paint, household chemicals – MUST have labels and no leaks, no containers larger than 5 gallons)
  • HOUSEHOLD BUILDING SUPPLIES (cabinets, doors, flooring, windows, hardware, light/ceiling fans, lumber, roofing, siding, tools)
  • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE must be in good condition (NO mattresses, items with odors, water beds, baby cribs and accessories, entertainment centers, armoires for TVs/computers)
  • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS (working appliances)
  • MEDICAL SURPLUS ITEMS (walkers, wheelchairs, orthopedic items, diabetic supplies, ace bandages, gauze pads, canes)
  • PERSONAL DOCUMENTS (shred on-site paper documents ONLY) Unable to take boxes or plastic bags and they must be taken away by participants.
  • SHOES (new and gently used) Must be dry

For a complete list of accepted items, please visit On the event page is a flyer with 7 attachments with detailed lists of accepted items from each organization.

If you have electronic items that are not accepted during this event, please review “electronics recycling” information on the flyer attachment. Residents may take electronics, including non-working older TVs, to the Louisville Waste Reduction Center, 636 Meriwether Avenue. These will NOT be accepted at the May 13 event.

“We have made it easy to get rid of things people no longer use, with no cost to bring in these items that will benefit others,” says Hollander. “If you have tried to find a way to dispose of those things you have around the house, then I encourage you to take advantage of this event.”

Among the vendors on hand: All-Shred, Commonwealth e-Waste, Habitat for Humanity, Louisville Metro Public Works, Supplies Overseas, and WaterStep.

Visit for more information, or contact Councilman Hollander’s office at 574-1109.

The University of Louisville grounds keeping staff will show off its environmentally friendly lawn equipment March 28 at a free Green Lawn Maintenance Vendor Fair on Belknap Campus.

The event, from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., will be held at the UofL Grounds Shop, 1820 Arthur St.

“We will be demonstrating how advanced ‘clean’ has become,” said Greg Schetler, supervisor of UofL’s Grounds Shop.

UofL’s fleet of lawnmowers runs on propane rather than gasoline, a change made in 2011 to use less fuel and help reduce the university’s carbon footprint.

The event is sponsored by the Partnership for a Green City, a collaboration among UofL, Louisville Metro Government, Jefferson County Public Schools and Jefferson Community & Technical College.

For more information, contact Brent Fryrear, 502-852-8854 or visit

National Ag Day is today, and it is a good time to reflect on some of the many ways agriculture affects us every day.

Agriculture is a major economic driver in Kentucky and the United States. Nationally, it is one of few sectors that can boast a trade surplus. In Kentucky, agricultural exports totaled an estimated $1.46 billion in 2015. A University of Kentucky report found that agriculture and related industries in Kentucky had an estimated economic impact of $45.6 billion and accounted for more than 258,000 jobs in 2013.

Agriculture, of course, feeds us all. We rely on farmers and food manufacturers to produce the abundant and affordable foods and beverages that we all depend on – and often take for granted. Thanks to the productivity and efficiency of U.S. agriculture, Americans spend an average of only 9.7 percent of their income on food – the lowest in the world.

Of course, that is not true of all Americans. The lowest 20 percent of the population based on earnings pay as much as 35 percent of their income to feed themselves and their families. Some have to make hard choices to make ends meet. This situation is intolerable, and that is why we launched the Kentucky Hunger Initiative and assembled the Hunger Task Force last year. You can help by checking the box on Line 33 of Form 740 to donate part of your state tax refund to the Kentucky Farms to Food Banks Trust Fund. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of Kentuckians in need.

If you want to learn more about Kentucky agriculture, follow the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s #KyAg365 campaign on Facebook and Twitter. We launched #KyAg365 at the beginning of the year to raise awareness of how agriculture affects every single person 365 days a year! This campaign educates the public on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s initiatives as well as the importance of agriculture in the lives of all Kentuckians.

We thank everyone who has liked, shared, and retweeted our posts! Many organizations, businesses, and individuals have used the hashtag to mark their own Kentucky ag-related posts. We hope you will watch for more #KyAg365 posts and discover amazing facts about Kentucky agriculture.

On National Ag Day, I hope you will take a moment to consider how your food is produced and where it comes from. And as always, if you like to eat, thank a farmer!

What do pawpaw trees, river birches and devil’s walkingstick trees have in common? They are all woody plants that are native to our region.

Using native trees, shrubs, vines, hedges, grasses, ferns and flowering plants in landscapes large and small helps conserve water, attract wildlife and reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

The public is invited to learn more about the native plants of Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana at a free workshop March 20 on the University of Louisville’s Belknap Campus.

The 1 p.m. event will be held inside the Cultural Center Multipurpose Room next to UofL’s Garden Commons community garden. Margaret Shea, owner of Dropseed Native Plant Nursery in Goshen, will be the speaker.

“Native species are so important to our environment, even right here on our urban campus,” said Justin Mog, assistant to the provost for sustainability initiatives. “Margaret has more than 25 years of training and practical experience in natural areas management, restoration and biological inventory. We are thrilled she is coming here to speak to students, faculty, staff and members of the public.”

For more information, contact Mog at or visit

MetroCouncilSt. Patrick’s Day will take on a special meaning this year as a time to celebrate the wearing of the green but also to make the city a little greener, too.

As a way to help Metro Louisville expand its tree canopy, Councilman Brandon Coan (D-8) has announced Planting O’ The Green, an initiative to plant 88 trees during the week leading up to this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and 364 trees over the next four parade cycles.

“In honor of this year’s 44th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the Planting O’ The Green partners and I are planting 44 trees in District 8 and 44 trees in District 1,” said Coan.  “Next year, we’ll plant 45 trees in District 8 and 45 trees in another Metro Council district, and so on.  I believe this pay-it-forward approach is the only way to solve our citywide tree problem, and I hope Planting O’ The Green becomes a tradition for many years to come.”

The Councilman made the announcement with Councilwoman Jessica Green (D-1) and representatives of Brightside, MSD, Olmsted Parks Conservancy, TreesLouisville, Bellarmine University and the Ancient Order of the Hibernians on Monday.

“I am pleased to be part of this effort because we all know trees are important to all of our neighborhoods. Trees bring us closer to nature and remind us of the beauty that can be found on any street or corner. What better way to celebrate the wearing of the green than making sure our community is a little greener,” said Green.

In District 1, 44 trees will be planted at Farnsley Middle School, led by Planting O’ The Green partner Trees Louisville.

“TreesLouisville is thrilled to be a part of the Planting O’ The Green project,” TreesLouisville Executive Director Cindi Sullivan said. “We applaud Councilman Coan and Councilwoman Green for sharing our vision of a healthier and more livable community for current and future generations through a robust community tree canopy. Collaborative projects like this one are an excellent, strategic means to plant trees that will benefit students at Farnsley Middle School, the neighborhood residents that utilize the walking path we will be shading, and all Louisville residents.”

In District 8, 24 trees will be planted in Cherokee Park, led by the Olmsted Parks Conservancy, and 20 trees will be planted on neighborhood streets in Deer Park and Tyler Park, led by Brightside.  Additionally, Brightside is organizing an extra effort to pick-up litter after the parade, led by students from Bellarmine University.

“What a great opportunity to work with such an impressive group of public and private partners to help grow and sustain Louisville’s urban tree canopy,” said Olmsted Parks Conservancy President Rachel Kennedy,  “As you know the Conservancy’s mission is to connect nature to neighborhoods within the nationally significant network of Olmsted Parks and we cannot think of a better way to do this than partnering with Metro Council and other nonprofits to green our neighborhoods and parks this St Patrick’s Day.”

“Brightside is thrilled to join with Metro Council, Ancient Order of Hibernians and community partners on this new community beautifying event,” Brightside Director Gina O’Brien said. “Keeping litter off the streets and trees in the ground are two pillars of Brightside and we love that this event focuses on both.”

John O’Dwyer, President of the Father Abram J. Ryan Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, reflected on the meaning of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the impact of Planting O’ The Green.

“We strive to open the spring season each year with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, often called the People’s Parade, and it is a time for fun and community. Now we are turning the Greenest Parade into the greenest parade as the next evolution of this charity event give back to our fine city,” O’Dwyer said. “Partnering in the Planting O’ The Green initiative will have lasting impact for generations to come. It will increase recycling on Parade Day and improve our tree canopy year-round. The Hibernians are proud to lead the way in being charitable and improving the environment.”

The 44th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade is Saturday, March 11. For more information about Planting O’ The Green and related activities during the week leading up to the parade, contact Councilman Coan’s office at 574-1108.

The Louisville/Jefferson County Environmental Trust is hosting a workshop on land stewardship issues on Saturday, February 4, 2017 at Historic Locust Grove, 561 Blankenbaker Lane.

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Nature Conservancy and others estimate that the annual cost of invasive plants and animals to the U.S. economy is $120 billion a year, with over 100 million acres (an area roughly the size of California) suffering from invasive plant infestations.

Compounding the problem is that these harmful invaders spread at astonishing rates. Such infestations of invasive plants and animals can negatively affect property values, agricultural productivity, water quality, public utility operations, tourism, outdoor recreation, and the overall health of ecosystems.

Kentucky and Louisville have their share of invasive plants which are evident essentially anywhere there is a patch of dirt – parks, school yards, street and highway rights-of-way, private yards, and vacant lots. The workshop will take a look at the problem and how various agencies, nonprofit organizations and individuals are addressing it.

Who should attend this workshop?
“Whether the land you care about is a small residential yard in the city, a suburban lawn, a working farm, a scenic estate or a public park, chances are there are invasive plants that detract from the ecological and historic integrity of the land. It can be a daunting task to tackle an invasive plant removal and landscape restoration project. This workshop will give you the resources, knowledge and inspiration to get started,” said Lisa Hite, planning manager for Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation.

Speakers will report on the latest research, lessons learned and future plans for invasive plant management, ecological restoration, healthy tree canopy and historic landscape management in Louisville’s Olmsted Parks, Locust Grove, the Jefferson Memorial Forest and other Metro Parks and Recreation Natural Areas, Bernheim  Arboretum and Research Forest, the Parklands of Floyds Fork, Beargrass Creek State Nature Preserve, the Lower Howard’s Creek Nature and Historic Preserve in Clark County as well as several private properties.

All sessions will include discussion and practical considerations for landowners who have questions about how to improve their own piece of the earth or those who want to help the on-going work in public parks and preserves.

Cost of the workshop is $35 for regular attendees and $15 for students and includes a box lunch. Reservations are required by January 30. To download the registration form, click here. Please call (502) 574-PARK (7275) or e-mail for more information.

Metro Solid Waste Management Enforcement employees have acted and the first vehicle of 2017 caught in photographs illegal dumping has been impounded in the Portland Neighborhood.

Crews were able to locate this Ford Ranger pickup truck that was photographed on December 10th by one of the department’s surveillance cameras in the 3000 block of Bank Street.

“I applaud the employees of Solid Waste Management for their dedicated efforts to enforce the ordinance we passed on the Metro Council to impound any vehicle found illegally dumping on our streets and alleys,” says Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton (D-5), who represents the Portland area.

Solid Waste Enforcement tracked the vehicle down January 6 and had it impounded. The owner was fined $500 plus a $250 cleanup fee and an impound fee of about $250.

“The Metro Council continues to send a strong message that Solid Waste Management continues to enforce. To anyone who decides to illegally dump in Metro Louisville, you will be caught and it will be costly,” said Hamilton.

Some cameras were purchased with D5 Neighborhood Development Funds and are dedicated to sites in District 5. The cameras are moved periodically within the district so potential illegal dumpers should be aware that they too may be caught
